Trump open the U.S government up to Foreign money

And CRCs show their 5th Ave Syndrome to the world.

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H. Clinton was not worse that donnie…that is just an excuse being used by trump minions more and more frequently to excuse their disasterous choice in 2016.

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Is there anything more comical than a politician selling off our government and tea party patriots not screaming in the streets.

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So…you are having trouble telling the difference between laws that apply to government officials enriching themselves and private citizens enriching themselves?

Presidents don’t get paid for speeches while they are in office,

But trump sure as hell gets paid for hotel rooms while he is.


Who could be worse than someone you just said should be impeached?

That makes no sense.


Isn’t it odd how the Tea Party showed up about 2008, all concerned about the deficit…and suddenly disappeared, poof!, about 2017…? Where’d they all go?

Technically, it’s no longer illegal.

interestingly, birthers came and went at pretty much the same time. along with a huge push from the family values/christian values folks.


No I don’t, that post was a rhetorical device used to show just how bad his possible replacements are shaping up to be.

You think being impeachable is the worst a person can be for the country? You’re wrong.

Oh? Do Hillary and Bill have completely separate finances?

Was she earning exhorbitant speaker fees when she was FLOTUS?

Of course not. Their spouses get paid $500k per speech.

what would make someone worse than Trump in your opinion?

Any number of reasons, too long to list, but I’ll point out a few for giggles, supporting the new green deal, supporting reparations, supporting ending the electoral college or packing the supreme court, need more?

Uh… not while in office. Do you guys even read before face rolling your keyboard?

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It’s a cop out.

Uh huh…

While you may disagree with those policies - I do for some of them as well - none of them are at all analogous to using the power of the government to enrich yourself, an act that you yourself should lead to his impeachment.

So you can have someone who is using your government to enrich themselves, or you can have someone whose policies you disagree with…

And you would choose the thief?

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