Trump on Twitter calling for his political adversaries to be tried for treason

yup. Sadly, 3rd grade level is the bullseye for a lot of Americans.


Libz r triggered!11!


The hilarious (though not really) part is that his dumb supporters don’t even understand that with an arbitrary and capricious dictatorial sociopath like Trump, any one of them could instantly fall into his “enemy of the state” treatment at any time. This is especially true if he finds your group has become politically expendable. Better hope you’re not next, today Trump supporters.

The President’s tweet is stochastic terrorism.

I hope nobody is harmed because of it.

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And it’s not like we haven’t seen this exact thing play out time and time again in public over the last few years. Trump praises people who he sees as useful to him only to completely reverse his opinion the moment they aren’t.

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Trump on Twitter calling for his political adversaries to be tried for treason

No he’s not. He just retweeted something that made him feel good.
I thought it was liberals who were supposed to be the ones with a sense of humor.

Exactly. Jeff Sessions is a prime example - one of Trump’s early supporters, who Trump liked so much he put him in the AG spot. Soon afterward, he turned on him and started treating him like trash.


Which part of the word “treason” did you no understand?

He is the President of the United States. The idea of his Deputy Attorney General being tried for treason and tossed in prison should not make him feel good. And the idea that this is just some joke, especially when Trump has repeatedly gone after many of these people, insinuated they are part of some secret plot to take him down, and called for their imprisonment? It just doesn’t work.

So what you’re saying is, the idea of locking up and trying for treason the entire last administration and everyone investigating him “makes him feel good?”

I think you just destroyed your own point.


You ok with the most powerful leader on earth being a ■■■■■■■ troll?
Would you be ok if a Democrat president did the same thing?


He has a habit of doing what makes him feel good.

So do his supporters.


In all seriousness though Trump is cornered, he knows he is screwed legally. At this point his only saving grace is to keep his base fired up and hope for a political solution.

It’s definitely the first time I’ve seen a president call for the jailing of his CURRENT justice department member. Good luck Rod!

“Hey it was just a joke.”

Do you teach your kids they can say whatever they want as long as they add that phrase at the end?


Rush was just assuring the trumpletons that trump is tweeting with “confidence and courage” today.


This must be difficult.

You would think, right?

It’s really not and that is the sad part