Trump Ohio Rally

One should have a basic level of general intelligence in order to vote.

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Voting integrity are the new Republican words.

Doesn’t matter to them that voting fraud is minuscule.


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Nope. One only needs to be a citizen of this great country.

No poll tests need apply.



It’s not a poll test. You can get lucky and trip over a drop box and your vote count.

People aren’t helpless.

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What level is that?

those words arent “new” and have been used by democrats

woops! must not have been in your issued talking points

when you are able to explain how things like voter id are “suppression” c’mon back with your “lol’s” and explain how thanks


because “easy” is not necessarily better

besides it’s already easy enough

Able to follow simple instructions and find the polling place or drop box. Get a free ID and carry it.


Easier is too vague.

It is an open ended request that is impossible to honor.


blanket mail ballots and other scam prone voting schemes are predicated on the idiotic narrative that it is nit easy to get out and vote

candidates abd supporters who dont need scams to win realize this

very true. “easy” will never be easy enough.

the games they play to steal back power…


This is where details matter.

It is too easy to ask for easy.

Easy for one is not so easy for another.


Because not everyone in country should vote, and making it easier for people to vote who shouldn’t be voting, disenfranchises the votes of those who should vote who want to vote. As does making it easier for people to vote more than once.

Who shouldn’t be allowed to vote, other than citizens who are already not eligible by law?

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What does that have to do with voter fraud?


you ll see when you look into actual “voter suppression” and fraud

I can’t believe you guys feel Fweedom won’t get the nomination.

The propaganda campaign against her is working!

Then we’ll be arguing about what general intelligence means. Algebra? High school level? Civics? History?
College level?

At least we will be getting closer to the details and away from the easy vagaries.

Ruling…Step forward

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