Trump never knew Parnas

Yes, he could have fired her at any time. So why all the intrigue and drama?

They’re all Ted Cruz right now, Trump says your dad assassinated JFK and your wife is ugly and you end up writing op-eds saying how amazing he is.

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You don’t care that a unregistered foreign agent got a U.S ambassador fired, and was able to record the President private conservation.

Yes and as we all know the way to do that is to tell two Ukrainian mobsters working for your personal lawyer to “take her out.”


That is bonkers when you put it that way.

do you have any proof to back up this claim.


gets more fun when you have to say Trump never knew them.

Called his wife ugly too. That’s some foul ■■■■■ Imagine being so spineless that you bend the knee to a dude after that.

Executive privilege next

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Pretty much all it took was Parnas telling Trump she was making fun of him.

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There’s no privilege with Slavic wise guys working for your personal attorney.

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I was being facetious. But I’m sure hell try

You know Parnas doesn’t work for the Ukraine President right, he is just some random mobster from Ukarine.

do you have any proof the Ukraine President wanted her gone.

Right? If he’d only have married a beautiful woman, Trump would have just tried to grab her, not insult her looks!

to be fair Trump first wife is pretty ugly too.
it takes a few marriages to nail a model.

Still my favorite revelation about that dude is that in order to score with randos he needs to buy women dumb expensive furniture sets. That ■■■■ is extremely amusing.

don’t knock it till your try it.
ladies love sofas.

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Do you plan on providing a link so we can all be as enlightened as you?

The “C’mon Ted” commercials during the Texas Senatorial race in 2018 were classic. Tells you something when he gets re-elected even tho he showed how spineless he is to the Texas voters.

I anticipate hearing the recording offered by ‘some random mobster from Ukraine’. Is there a link to this conversation?