Trump needs to get the men to turn out on Nov

I’m having trouble understanding how a man that is intelligent, hard working, god fearing, honest, responsible, respectful to himself, his family and others, empathic…can vote for Trump.


Well - Lets start wtih the fact that the US is 51% women now. Roughly 138m Americans voted. So just by those 2 numbers alone, 2.5m MORE women should vote then Men.
(I dont even disagree that in General women are more likely to vote then men. But its actually only about a 4% difference as your own number on your OP show)

According to some of the latest demographic data, there are 108 million women 18 and older, while men over number about 100 million.

So there a lot fewer men than women of voting age to begin with.

So now take the subset of men and women who vote and see if this is a statistically significant difference from the population distribution.

Then we can start investigating why.

Let’s get down to business, to defeat the Huns
Did they send me daughters, when I asked for sons?
You’re the saddest bunch I ever met
But you can bet before we’re through
Mister, I’ll make a man out of you

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It is:

63.6% of women
59.3% of men

And the gap has existed for many years, adding evidence.

Well welcome to the club you manly men!!! Make men count again.

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Damn auto correct. Lol

I already explained that Jay…


Blink twice if you’re in danger. :grin:


I think a lot of the difference is time. Many men work the whole day and can’t go vote. Plus, the are many stay at home moms/home makers. The real answer is we make election day a national holiday so everyone has an equal opportunity to vote.

Might have go evacuate him to undisclosed location, safe house.

Yes I had forgotten the percentages were posted in the OP.

I can tell just by looking that is significant.

I’m fine…if I ever get hit with a frying pan…believe me I got it coming. She is the most forgiving woman ever!!!

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69% of men work vs 57% of women. I’d buy that as some cause of the variance. I’d add that some men don’t see the importance of voting as well, sheer apathy.

Spurious relationship. Trump has been parading this to the nation throughout his presidency. If something doesn’t go the Trump/Republican way, it must be because of something nefarious. He’s gotten near total buy in from many of his followers, who now entertain the idea of forcible maintenance of power if the election doesn’t go their way.

We’ll be hearing a lot more of this fallacy from Trump in the coming weeks.

Well, that doesn’t sound very real menny.




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Well efforts are being made to keep many from mailing in their ballots. So there’s that.