Trump narcissism on display?

trump acts this way because he knows it drives the left and dems and media (one in the same) nuts. they fall for it every time

Dude, the question is when is it NOT on display?

You don’t watch Fox and Friends?

I presume then you watch an awful lot of liberal media, given your frenzied and nonstop criticism of it?

Ever stop to consider the lib media behaves the way they do to get the response you’ve repeatedly demonstrated on these forums?

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Riiigghhht…it’s an “act”.

Who is “they?”

“They” is Nightline co-anchor Terry Morgan, who said something 10 years ago that was misread.

He became “they” when a blanket dismissal proved easier than actually offering a reasoned argument.


He did it for us. He put America’s signature on top. No one seemed to mind that we put our signature and blood on top of D-Day. Why complain that we put our signature on top of a piece of paper?


Tools are useful; I personally see nothing redeeming in D Trump.

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You dont have to. You are not an American.

:laughing: Horse ■■■■■ If Donald does anything he does it for one person only. He didn’t sign that document “'Murica,” after all.

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Your opinion. The hats say “MAGA” not “MTGA”. I voted for America.

Donald appreciates you more than you will ever know.

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And I appreciate those SCOTUS justices he nominated and every precious time he pokes a lib in the eye. Those were his promises to me and he kept them.

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Cling tight to those SCOTUS justices.

wow thats a lot of preoccupation over lil ol me

You should know by now you’re the most fascinating person on these forums. :heart_eyes:

In all seriousness, though:

  1. You whinge incessantly about the negative coverage media gives poor Donald
  2. I offer you a counter that there is media out there that fawns over Donald (F&F being just one example)
  3. You go into dismissal mode with “I don’t watch F&F.”

Given that response it’s therefore perfectly reasonable to assume you watch a LOT of liberal media. Why, when you hate the way it slanders your beloved politician so much?

Either that or the much more likely scenario that he simply remembers what was posted. The more absurd statements tend to be the most memorable ones

yes 10 yrs ago - right after obama took office.

it was not mis-read. just read

keep pretending.

One person does not equal ‘they’

but go ahead and keep pretending it does