Trump less truthworthy than cohen

Because Obama had a booming economy…

Work with me here

That’s not what posters here claimed for 8 years. I was told, time and time and time again that Obama’s economy was the worst ever.

I know that the facts stated otherwise, and charts and graphs supported the fact that Obama has a great economy.

Loling at people who think the Mueller report is going to exonerate Donald. Comedy gold.

There is people on this very thread arguing thatnif you point out all of Trump’s lies, doing so are acts of his enemies.

Right sorry should have put a smiley emoji or something. That was my point. :slight_smile:

I trust Cohen over fat donald, especially if Cohen has receipts.

Lots of copies of checks signed by Donald.

That’s like comparing horse turds to cat turds. Both are still turds in the end, but I’d say the horse turd is worst. So unsurprising Trump is viewed as less trustworthy.

I don’t support his appointment. I wanted Kethledge. What I really don’t support is the way the left treated Kavanaugh. They showed their ass. Shouldn’t have done that.

It was certainly a circus, and I disagreed with dragging out that nonsense for so long.

It wasn’t the time.

Kind of funny all the complaints about vilifying AOC now.