Trump knocks Dodgers' pitching change: 'Big mistake!'

“dont let the terrorists win”

Go on with your life.

Remember? Or is that only when they is no political gain to be made?

Crazy that the same Republicans crying about Obama and a NCAA bracket act like this is a nothing burger

How could you possibly know who on here complained about that?
This thread has been a liberal ass showing from start to finish.

yes, because our President tweeting about baseball on the evening of the worst Jewish mass killing in our country is cool.

Trump is cool.

He did the same stupid stuff last year. You’d think he’d learn. Curious what’ll happen as this fifth game goes on with the Dodgers now down by 2.

Looks like he’s keeping in Kershaw too long. Kershaw traditional post season collapse continues. Red Sox look like they are going to wrap it up. Why Kershaw is still in after 4-1 and another guy on base I don’t know. Price still going strong looks like the Sox are going to win.

You’ve already been corrected on that. You know better. Why write something you know is not true?
Up to 400 Jews were massacred in the WTC on 911.

well I guess the Red Sox are just better. They hit another home run off a relief pitcher who I thought was at least decent. Dodgers pen is not as good as the Red Sox. Pearce I guess will get the WS MVP.

Meh. You people do that all the time.

Not because they were Jews.

Dodgers in 4 if they had Donald as manager.

He’s just that MAGAnificent.

Neither were the 11 who were killed the other day. They were killed because they were in a certain building. Gentiles can also be in synagogues. The killer didn’t know each of the people.

You actually typed this.

You are aware these are the new Hannity boards right?

bin Laden after 911- He [bin Laden] also calls on all Muslims to join him. “It is the duty of every Muslim to fight. Killing Jews is top priority.”

Nothing in life is any surer than a large office building in NYC contains Jews. Much more certain that that a synagogue contains only Jews.

This is one of my best threads. I love the way people reacted.

By exposing your untruths?
Every thread of yours does that.

No. Because posters can’t help but show what’s important to them. Or not important. Or decent.

It’s my belief that even the most hardcore trump voters know it was inappropriate to be talking about sports on the evening of this slaughter. It was a battle between common decency and support for a politician.

[quote=“BillBrown, post:57, topic:28216, full:true”]

You’re now contradicting yourself – anything to make it look like the #Magabomber just randomly chose a synagogue.