Trump: Kim Jong Un "loves his people"

Yeah, there are people on this board who literally believe Trump has divine right.

He’s sucking up to a tin pot dictator. He looks weak and also divorced from reality.

Wow. You can see Macron’s thumbprint all the way through the layer of orange and into the underlying layer of what appears to be skin. Trump appears to be cradling his small hand after meeting a true leader like Macron.

BTW, just what the ■■■■ is the deal with the “45” monogrammed on to his cuff? That is some serious ego trippin’ goin’ on there. The man should be checked out.

im sure this is the opinion of some. despite it being untrue

What’s untrue about it?

The last sucker got fooled…

This is North Korea blowing up a cooling tower on June 27, 2008 as a gesture of stopping their nuclear program. The Bush administration responded by lifting some sanctions… Obama was sworn into office in Jan 2009. It turns out this was an old processing plant and they President Obama imposed reimposed sanctions on North Korea when it became clear that they had not honored their commitments.

You can certainly make the argument that Kim did not take over from his father till 2011, but let’s not pretend like there isn’t a long timeline of North Korea deceiving the west…

Tell us, who is being deceived…

i am pretty sure the admin knows he is deceitful.

but trust has to start somewhere for there to be any chance of progress

LMAO… National security, ummm… we are pretty sure…

that he does not look weak, and appears to have a grasp of reality

not sure what point you are making here

Actually no it doesn’t… we didn’t have to do anything. We are in a position of strength

You think a person negotiating from a position of strength lavishes a brutal dictator with such praise?

its not lavish but that “praise” is likely meant to show some magnanimity. like right after the election when he referred to hillary clinton as “good people”

might help with the negotiating process.


Keep in mind this is an individual who blasted the “Obama apology tour”

It might be if it weren’t entirely fake and every one knows it.

“Hey, he’s a tough guy. When you take over a country—a tough country, tough people—and you take it over from your father, I don’t care who you are, what you are, how much of an advantage you have. If you can do that at 27 years old, I mean, that’s one in 10,000 that could do that. So he’s a very smart guy. He’s a great negotiator,”

“Yeah, but so have other people done some really bad things. I could go through a lot of nations where a lot of bad things were done.”

Trump is very practiced at justifying “bad things”.

if its so obviously fake or insincere then why is it such a problem? you know he doesnt believe it

Because it makes him look desperate.

then we lose nothing in our position by showing some civility and showing kim he has the capacity to do the right thing