Trump just took out Biden

You mean like policies that have added over a trillion dollars to the deficit this year and and are projected to add even more next? Yeah, I can see those policies and happily vote against them, and any other policies that will have a similar effect.

Used to be folks like you were on my side on this issue…or at least you pretended to be. Now you’ve all hopped aboard the Trump train, and the debt and deficit no longer matter to you. So you guys can all blather about me being a lib all you want…but at the end of the day the policies I support will always be far more conservative than the ones you all do. Enjoy! :grin:

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I can live with myself just fine thanks, yes, Trump is a train wreck but Hillary would have been an even bigger disaster. Plus, I got a huge tax cut and a more conservative SCOTUS out of the deal.

Yeah…just Biden your time…amirite? :sunglasses:

…a troll, on a roll. :sunglasses:

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That negative reaction was largely among fellow Democrats running in the Primary and political junkies. The overwhelming majority of both bases want to see the ugly. They want to be entertained. This is the reality television society. The grand experiment has morphed into what the rest of society now is. Lazy. Apathetic. Disengaged. Selfish. Uninformed. Seeking confirmation bias. Trump wins in this society.

Nope, but you’re free to be as wrong as you want be. :sunglasses:

There will be a large segment of our country, that will not have a candidate that they can feel good about voting for in the 2020 upcoming election. On one side, I feel your pain because that’s been my place for decades. On the other side though, tough. I do not want more of the same as “we” had during those decades and that’s all that’s left, after Trump. He’s still better than the establishment, corrupt politicians that have sold out our country to…their highest bidders.

Like I said…you’re free to be as wrong as you want. :sunglasses:

Meh, Trump just sold out my right to vape flavors to his big tobacco campaign donors.

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I guessed you didn’t have a candidate but…if you do, do you mind saying it?

I don’t have one yet. I’m hoping one comes along, but if not, I’ll probably do a write in. I’m already resigned to the fact that I’m not going to be happy with whoever wins in 2020. The least I can do is make sure my vote goes to someone I can at least feel good about voting for.

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If you study Trump rhetoric…You will find it to be mostly positive.

If you are unfortunate enough to listen to D candidate rhetoric it is overwhelmingly negative.

The election results should surprise nobody.


I completely understand and thank you for the response.

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Not for me…I voted for Johnson in 16. I will vote for Trump in 2020. I see him as the lesser of two evils. I like his court pics and I support his stance on Illegal Immigration.

I do wish he would shut up. He is his own worst enemy when he opens his mouth.

I am not sad about it though.

It is astonishing to me that you do not believe Trump to be a part of that same establishment you rail against. That same corruption that has been a cancer on our national political stage. That he is not selling our nation out to the highest bidders as well, except for his own, and his families own, personal gain. Trump represents the pinnacle of all that is wrong in DC. He is the ultimate culmination of these decades you mention.

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As of now, my write-in candidate is going to be Justin Amash. I hope he decides to run, but I’m not holding my breath.

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This new you doesn’t sound anything like the you that was all in on the collusion hoax.

Please don’t run in circles denying it.

I disagree. After witnessing the individuals he’s chosen, to be in certain positions, I realize Trump is politically naive and the last few years have been a real education for him. What you suggest, may appear during his second term…now that he’s learned a few things and can then choose what he desires to then put…into practice. We’ll have to wait a tad to see if you’re eventually right but at this point, IMO…you aren’t.

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We will have to agree to disagree here then. Let time and history be the judge.

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You would be mistaken. Am I glad he won between the two? Oh you betcha.

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