Trump Jokes About Life Threatening Cold Temperatures

Chicago is cool…in fact they’re so cool they’re robbing people of their Canada Goose down Arctic coats.

Democratic enclave/stronghold/utopia all comes to mind when I hear Chicago.

good those coats are trash.
cheap coat that cost 1,100$.

Tip for cold weather that can save your life, always keep blankets in your car.


I guess some of Hillary’s supporters were OK with fat Hillary lying to the families of dead Benghazi victims… pure class.

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You don’t want to start with pointing out lies. The man you support lied over 8,000 times the first two years of his presidency.

I still have my sheep skin somewhere.

I have a deerhide and fox fur coat from the 1800’s.
none of that peasant coyote fur.

though I have a few coyote fur coat but they are not as fancy, this is all displayed at our local Meti museum.

There’s a faction of people who support him for a number of reasons:

  1. they have been brainwashed for 30 yrs by the CEC that a ham sandwich is better than a Democrat. Well, there’s their ham sandwich.

  2. there are some that are enamored by wealth and think they can someday attain what Donald has.

  3. some people are just cray cray for celebrities.

  4. some just love to be driven by base emotions. Trump developed and nurtured their fears and played them.


I’m just glad that we didn’t get rid of LIHEAP like he wanted in his 2018 budget proposal. At the very least there’s some cushion for really poor people to keep their heat on.

Btw that program was about $4 billion. I guess it’s not as important as some steel slats.

If it’s not happening in the US it doesn’t count.

I remember people arguing that because we hadn’t had any bad hurricanes, warming of the oceans wasn’t happening - even though there were super Typhoons one after another in the western Pacific all season long.

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Hillary lost bro, get over it.

According to whom? Some lame assed partisan fact checker?
And I didn’t start it. Go back and check it out. Apocalypto started the lie conversation.

I actually enjoy threads like this. Trump is a grade A pile of ■■■■ and his followers just show over and over again how little they care about other people. Again, welcome to the New Republican Party.


Trump won bro, get over it. :rofl:

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The new republican party would have preferred Kasich or Jeb. But brilliant conservatives such as myself thwarted them by choosing Trump.

Nice to see “conservatives” aspire to be no more than a second rate Twitter trolls.

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The Washington Post counted and proved the lies. Besides, most people can recognize his lies. It’s a fact he lies all the time.

Who told you that? Even in liberal forums such as this, there are a few Trump supporters. And I don’t recall any of us saying anything like this. Fake news. Invented by you. If you want to know, we will tell you. We ain’t shy about that stuff. Just ask and ye shall receive.

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Is it going to bring joy to your heart when 2018 GDP comes in lower than Obama’s best year?

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OK. I assume his gut regulations/slash taxes/build a wall/appoint conservative judges planks won you over? Enough to disregard the pretty damning evidence that he lacks personal integrity and professional ethics? Because they all do? Did you even have to hold your nose?

I’m genuinely curious. I can understand and accept such a position. It’s the stubborn refusal to acknowledge the increasingly inescapable conclusion that his campaign subordinates interacted in shady ways with Russian operatives, and he ABSOLUTELY knew of/ directed such activity, that astounds me.