Trump issues executive order to ban TikTok

TikTok is covered by that pesky first amendment, don’tchaknow.


Like saying you can’t be arrested for drunk driving because you were on your way to a protest.

Has nothing to do with the first amendment… no more than a pair of shoes you buy from China that has a tracking device, camera, microphone, and transmitter embedded in the heel.

It’s all about the first amendment.

eo will be tossed.


There are lots of means of communication besides TikTok. Good grief.

Has anyone asked him?

So Americans are allowed to ban a method of free speech because we don’t like it.

That’s total unmitigated Wash of the hog aka Hogwash.


Banning technologies that undermine US citizens’ security and freedoms is what the president is elected to do. Among other things, of course.

But TikTok is speech. American President cannot ban it.


No, it isn’t. That’s entirely not the President’s job.

You are not the only person whose best interests he represents. And maybe you don’t really know what’s good for you.

The President of the United States is not an autocrat.

His job is strictly delineated by the Constitution. He does not have any power outside what the Constitution grants him - and banning social media apps is not one of them.

I’m sure someone on the CCP’s side will file a challenge in the courts, which is where that question will eventually be decided.

I’m sure many lawsuits have already been filed, and this EO will undoubtedly be thrown out.

But this isn’t just about the court.

The President doesn’t have the power to do whatever he wants, and its frightening how easily you guys© just accept it.

If Trump has the power to ban TikTok by fiat, what’s to stop President Biden for doing the same for Breitbart?

When Obama issued an EO.

The same people who endorse this action where crying “Obama can’t do this”

Now the shoes on the other foot. Everything is aOK.


From Why is the Trump administration banning TikTok and WeChat? | Brookings


The short answer is yes.


Agreed. That where the courts and separation of powers come in. National defence issues are constitutionally his call.

The aclu disagrees

The President of the United States has triumphed against the Tik Tok teens.