Trump is terrible at being a racist

he never was when he went on Oprah all the time either.

this was all brought up in 2015. the mantra is the same: “ignore your eyes and ears and believe what we program”

look how well it works


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I think you meant when he went on Oprah “that one time”, not “all the time” lol

Random is random

Not random.

And not random is not random.

Don’t D⁶ the black nation’s voices.

Why is the guy in the video relevant?

Why do you still need Trump to not be racist? So much so that years later you are still trying to use random black people to justify your position as if that is consensus

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Because he’s older, probably actually saw racism. He’s a participant. And he happens to be black.

Oh yeah and probably from the south.

Lol a Right Wing Content Creator who makes TikTok videos, then posts them on YouTube so the Olds can find them. And not even original material, he makes “reaction videos”. Just him making faces and pointing at someone else’s content.



Focus on the video he’s reacting to.

or, post a video of trump being racist

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If I find another older black guy that says Trump is racist? Who will you believe?

The one that confirms my bias.

Ok, I’m gonna give you props for that.

Aka not the critprog parrot

Their guy sniffs kids and stumbles off stage like he’s lost. Let them cling to this. It’s all they have.


i might believe him if he shows credible evidence of this racism. all we have now is credible evidence that he is not

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What would you consider credible evidence?

If you have to ask, you don’t have any.


You ain’t black and racial jungle and boy won’t do it.

I have plenty, just need to know the threshold for “credible”