Trump is removing US Secret Service director

From the article…

“There is a near-systematic purge happening at the nation’s second-largest national security agency,” one senior administration official says.

United States Citizenship and Immigration Services director Francis Cissna and Office of the General Counsel’s John Mitnick are expected to be gone soon, and the White House is eyeing others to be removed.

This has Stephen Miller written all over it. They are truly going to double-down, triple-down, and then quadruple-down on immigration. Trump clearly believes this is the issue that will give him the best shot at re-election. Keep the base in a frenzy over their fear of a sub-class of humans, more akin to animals, that happen to be non-white, non-American.

Oh…I guess the other thread randomly disappeared.

Yeah, it is getting increasingly difficult to justify the insane level of turnover in this administration.

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The floggins will continue until morale improves

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I’m guessing because it was just a couple of tweets without commentary.

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Seriously? Do you really expect someone like me to succinctly respond to that kind of garbage?

Only people using that language about immigrants are trump’s opponents. And we know how you feel about trump.

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The Mid-May Massacre has begun.

Darnit I just realized it’s April and now I feel stupid.


Trump is the one that referred to asylum seekers as animals. And I believe he truly feels that way.


The insane talk from people who once identified themselves as conservatives/libertarians on this site has rapidly deteriorated.

No he didn’t.

Prove it? Or admit you’re wrong.

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Teump needs party loyalists in position that dont care a out court orders or rule of law or obeying the constitution over trump…

Completely non cult and non fascist like behavior…

Trumps words. There is a thread here on it even. And I believe he truly feels this way.

Prove it. Link those words, and the date, event, circumstances.

For you? :rofl:

Wait… if someone is wrong they shoild admit it?

Wow… i wish you held the president to the same standard as anonymous internet posters…


Listen… trump supporters are not going to tolerate lying!


The media, mueller, “intelligence officials”, the dimocrat party.

When a politician repeatedly shows the true darkness in their heart, eventually it is prudent to simply believe what you see.

And the rest of us can leave others to keep engaging in their obfuscation if it makes them feel better about the poor decisions they have made.


Keep spreading the lie then. Who am I to stop you?

It’s no lie. And I believe he feels the way he tells us and shows us he feels on this issue.