Trump is removing US Secret Service director

Mueller was wrong? On which part ?

This is probably why his administration gets challenged and loses so often in court. The people he appoints don’t know the law.

He was referring to the imbedded thugs and criminals; also those who are exploiting these people for money.

Any reasonable person understands that.

In my experience, well-oiled machines do not require frequent replacement of their constituent parts. Indeed, that is the very reason for oiling machines.

No one cares about your feelings. Link the words you said trump said.

If you can.


He wasn’t referring to that.

No, he wasn’t.

Getting involved in that nonsense in the first place. Nkt shutting it all down when he knew there was nothing to it.

Interfering in our election.

You are certainly welcome to prove otherwise. :+1:

Now that’s the we expect from trump suppprters…

And its not lying, its called acting presidential…

I don’t believe that to be the case. I believe he let his mask slip when he chose not to add the qualifiers in. He views people coming to our country who are not American, and are non-white, to be animals. Be they asylum seekers or illegal immigrants coming for jobs. His words and actions have led me to this conclusion.

Yeah none of that occured or was wrong.

Whattaya know. So are you. :+1:

What I find to be ironic is that every action he takes and has taken, flies in the face of the misogynist, racist, homophobe, anti-Semite that Trump haters try and pin on Trump.

It really is getting kind of stale. Attempting to once again whip up the basket of deplorables meme will not be a winning formula. I’m absolutely convinced of that.

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I can’t prove a negative. If Trump in fact did state those words in the context claimed, then it is up to the one making that claim to provide the evidence. I really can’t be expected to prove that there is no such evidence.

Also from the article (author saved this bit for the very last line):

It was not immediately clear what prompted his firing, but the Secret Service recently came under scrutiny after a Chinese woman illegally entered the President’s Mar-a-Lago club carrying Chinese passports and a flash drive containing malware.

Law of parsimony would suggest the preferred theory is that the director was fired because his agency failed to prevent a Chinese national carrying electronics and malware from entering the President’s property.

Fake claim

It made trump look bad, so he had to fire someone.

Found this to be funny.

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Prove a negative? If you was referring to criminals as animals, it should be easy for you to show the context. Go on.