Trump is missing a huge opportunity

Right back atcha. I have never seen a comment by you that has not been weird beyond all expectations.

And I still want a ten page Covid bill. They are perfectly capable of offering two separate bills. No law against it.

The link is in the thread. What do you mean you can’t find anything to support it?
Want more links?

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OK. They chose this route. And here we are. Government shuts down monday without the Omnibus, so it would be practically and poetically unwise to take your path IMO.

They simply would not cover it.

They are truly a propagandist arm for the dem party which is dangerous for the country imo.

All or most of the media getting on one side and one side only has led to some dictatorships in other countries in the past.

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No. I just need one link that proves this is a stand alone Covid bill. Please stop BeClowning yourself. I am embarassed for you. How did you not see this part?

Trump’s refusal of the $900 billion package, which is linked to $1.4 trillion government funds bill, could spark a federal shutdown at midnight Monday.

The only reason for the 6000 pages is to cover for all the pork.

Most of the politicians in DC need to be run out of town especially long time pols.

Amazing corruption.

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Why does the government shut down? Is there a law against having a Covid bill that isn’t full of crap? Is there a law that says we can’t put the crap in another bill? As AOC said, they are holding Americans hostage.

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He should veto the covid bill until the hundreds of millions going to foreign countries is removed.

No excuse to be giving that money else where especially in these times.

The real world doesn’t work that way. Politics is all about horse trading. Trump has nothing to trade.

The government runs out of funding on monday. That is why the govt. shuts down.

A vast majority of the 6000 pages you are referring to is the omnibus spending bill that funds the government. The Covid bill was attached to that for expediency.

Trump’s white house was totally fine with the omnibus spending bill. IN fact most of it - and certainly most of the foreign aid everyone is complaining about - is lifted directly from Trumps proposed budget.

Trump’s white house was also fine with attaching the covid bill to the omnibus for expediency.

Now trump is not. Unclear why. He proposed most fo the spending his is complaining about. His team gave congress the lessing to join the two bills.

So, here we are. Congress, with Trumps blessing chose this path. Govt. runs out of funds in two days unless he signs the bill.

Your option is no longer practically an option. If we don’t pass the omnibus not only odes the gvoermet shutter, but so does any covid relief.

Speaking of fantasies, there are still people out there who believe the great “massive voter fraud” hoax. Unbelievable, isn’t it?

Which has absolutely nothing to do with a Covid bill. It doesn’t have to be combined with any other bill. And it should not be.

How much voter fraud was there? Have they said yet? This might be a good time to tell us. Right?

Opinion noted.

Mitch, Nancy and Trump through his negotiating team disagree. All three parties decided on taking this path.

So, here we are.

Did you really not know the government runs out of funding monday?

I haven’t seen specifics, but we know from court cases and the Electoral College vote that it wasn’t enough to change the presidential election in any meaningful way.

I suspect Congress will likely be affirming that in a couple of weeks.

Well it’s actually a fact not an opinion. They can offer a separate Covid bill. They just won’t. No harm to that what so ever.

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[quote=“wonderingrover, post:60, topic:237654”]

Why are they with holding this info? If they are stating that there was not enough fraud to over turn the election then they most certainly know how much fraud there was. Well? Shouldn’t they tell us?


Legacy now includes vaccine’s- plural -coming out in world record time as an epic achievement forever credited to the Trump administration.

Millions of lives will be saved thanks to President Trump’s leadership!

Best President of our lifetimes. I used to think that was Reagan but no more.

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