Trump is missing a huge opportunity

Which President is?

So you agree the idea is brilliant?

Do you like my idea?

Again. Can you answer the question.
Do you understand that the 6000 page bill was NOT a covid bill.

It was a omnibus bill for FY2021 that included covid releif.

Start there.

Do you like my idea?

It was done. By the Dems. 2 days ago. GOP blocked it

Have you called your representative to tell them you supported Nancy’s clean bill?

Really? They offered him a Covid dedicated bill? I cannot find anything that makes this claim. What is your source?

I have no idea why President’s never do this. Maybe Biden will be the one to change it all?


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I don’t like it. Trump is a lame duck President. As such he is in no position to make demands.

He doesn’t need to make demands. He just needs to tell them he won’t sign a crap Covid bill that has very little to do with Covid. Do we really need to flood the world with cash right now?

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This bill had only Covid stuff in it. Right? No foriegn aid? Nothing but direct payments to Americans?

Dude. You should not put yourself in a position where you must lie to continue a false narrative. You have not lied yet. But you are in severe danger of doing so. Set it straight before you embarrass yourself any further.

Is this a Covid only dedicated bill? Yes or no. Choose wisely.

First- right to a personal attack huh.

2nd- why have you yet to answer my question and show you understand the bill that is currently out there. It’s not a covid bill. It’s a FY2021 government spending bill (the first in over 7 years BTW) that included covid releif as well as all the foreign aid that the Trump adminstration asked for.
Do you understand that? Yes or no??

2nd- what Nancy tried to pass is NOTHING other then stimulus payments of 2000
Period. Nothing else.

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The 6000 page bill is an omnibus spending bill that is largely based on Trump’s budget proposal.

Do you understand that the bill sent to trump is both a covid relief bill and the omnibus spending bill?

All the FA spending everyone is complaining about tis based on the numbers set by Trump’s budget requests.

I’m not asking for a history of the current bill. I don’t know why you thought I was. I am saying that I would prefer a ten paged bill with only Covid relief in it. May I suggest that you read the title of the thread again?

The bill Pelsoi brought tot he floor was for nothing but $2K covid relief checks. GOP blocked it despite Trump’s call for it.


But you keep starting with saying it was a “6000 page covid bill”
Which is factually incorrect.

So it makes us question if you are aware or even understanding of what you are arguing about…

Seems to me that you are not.

The government runs out of funds monday. They need to pass the larger spending bill or the govt. will shut down.

The house and the senate with the blessing of the White House combined the two for efficiencies sake.

If they do your idea, the government shuts down monday.

Nope. You are making this up. I can’t find anything to support this. Neither can you.


She sought to raise the relief checks to 2K. That is all she sought to do.

Are you still hung up on the relief checks being part of the omnibus spending bill?

Weird. But OK. Whatever.

If they did your idea, the government would shut down monday and any covid relief passed this weekend would be hampered by the shut down. That does not seem like a wise course of action practically or politically so I do not think this is a good idea for trump.

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