Trump is hijacking 4th of July- changing it from a national celebration to a campaign event

I will admit that it is cool. I want to eventually have a 3D printer to play with. I am currently building an automatic watering system based on Arduino for some property that we bought up in Maine that has a couple of greenhouses where they in no way grew a ton of pot.

It is a great technology… the joke however was way too easy to make.

Time flies. Less that two more months till Trump Day.

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Most egotistical person I’ve ever seen.

My point was more to the fact that him doing his MAGA schtick will most assuredly turn into a partisan Trump rally. He needs to speak to ALL Americans about the gift of liberty we have inherited and fought for in this country. I am doubting his ability to do that. Besides, America never stopped being great. It’s a stupid slogan.

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I think MAGA is much worse than just stupid.
We’re a long way away from “that shining city on a hill”.

In and of itself it’s just a stupid slogan. Put Trump behind it and it becomes worse fersher.

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Diamond and Silk, of course!


Ah. The days of roman columns.

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Because “the left” knows that America was great, is great, and wil continue to be great long after Trump.

MAGA is nothing more than a clever campaign slogan for the Trumpsters.


If Trump is MAGA, when was America not great?

As I asked GW, if Trump is MAGA, when wasn’t America great?

MAGA is about all Americans.

That’s exactly why good bumper sticker slogans work. And MAGA is a good bumper sticker slogan.

See how you, a trump supporter, are defending and promoting the bumper sticker slogan instead of any substantial policy? You are literally mad that people don’t also like the bumper sticker slogan you respond so favorably to.

This is exactly how it’s supposed to work, and his mastery of gimmicks is a big reason why trump won. And might wind again.

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The insinuation that we weren’t great under a black president and the link to the good old days is a reason that slogan works so well.


Oh, I know the reason.

I would like the perspective from an ardent Trump supporter who truly believes MAGA.

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The slogan harkens back to the days when you could leave your front door unlocked, let your kids roam the neighborhood, and make your household budget on a single income. Unless you enjoy meth heads stealing grandmas jewelry, your child being raised by the school and daycare, and the god forsaken abduction of children, then I can definitely see room for improvement. Increased economic opportunity and ending drug/sex trafficking is just the beginning of MAGA. But you guys continue to throw shade because orange man bad.

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You’re wrong, I’m not mad. I think it’s funny, actually, that you have to spin and contort in an attempt to paint Trump supporters in a corner.


Well that is a weird post.

The problems with the President isn’t “Orange Man Bad” and however easy it may be to try to distill an opponents complaints down to a silly meme it just isn’t true.

Just to pick the low hanging fruit, does Making America Great Again include trillion dollar deficits?

And here’s where you go off the rails. MAGA, as I said earlier, is for all Americans. The left can’t debate policy without trying to play the race card.

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If you are worried about middle class income why are you supporting a man and a party that guts unions, and passed an expensive tax cut that disproportiantly advantaged the wealthy, and included measures that hurt middle class americans in high tax states? And that eliminated deductions for things like moving expenses for workers, while protecting the same decutions for corps?

The time you refer to was a time in a america when unions were strong, and executive wages were a fraction of what they are today. Which party is serious about rectifying those issues?

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