Trump is a coward. You know it

oh ■■■■■■■■■ if obama did what trump did in the exact same situation, you would all be howling that he was a treasonous coward.

calm down.

it’s not like he gave him a stupid reset button or whispered that he’ll have more influence after the election…

go watch yer nooze

You think he wants war? Sounds like you want war.

no i wouldnt.

if trump leaned over and whispered things about having more influence then id be pissed.

but you know. not everyone has to be stupid

“But they have the nukular! The twos of us have 80% of the nukular - I heard Dear Leader says that! That’s big and scary! Trump is Putin’s bitch to help us avoid nukular warz.”

Average Trumpist.

like I said: “oh ■■■■■■■■■

dont forget 20% of our uranium. but dont worry about that theyve been nuclear for 70 years

Its what fat guys gotta do!

sure great arguement

did your hear that on kimmel or colbert?

I’m not worried about it, as I am informed about the conditions and know that we have more than enough fissile material for our needs.

But hey, keep living your ignorant life. It seems to suit you.

lol. sure. as long as we have enough what’s the big deal huh???

my gawd

I think you mean you would


yeah, you’re so intellectually superior and stuff.

Dont they produce the majority of the worlds Uranium?

The Left describes themselves to a tee when they try to attack the right. Ever notice that?

Comrade, maybe that’s because NATO didnt hack into our computers and meddle in our elections. You’re hilarious.

"Oh my gerd!

A Russian firm is mining low-grade uranium ore in the US and it can’t be exported.

Oh my gerd!"

Dumb Trumpist attempting to give legs to failed Uranium One “scandal”.


trump is a Fraidy Cat!

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i make spelling errors all the time so does everyone else

and, i have never claimed to be “intellectually superior.”

just a lowly thinking man

just a lowly thinking man

Without an original thought in his head.