Trump insults Meghan and John McCain

I’m surprised he overcame the baggage he brought in 2016. But the baggage he added over the next 4 years finally tipped the scales. Top it off with the fabricated scandals over those 4 years, and the baggage was overwhelming.

I’d like to see another candidate in 2024. But now one who will abandon the policies I considered important from the Trump administration. Too many GOPs wouldn’t have the fortitude to champion those things.

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Not their best choice. But it worked. So it was good enough.

I think his opponent helped a lot in 2016.

Trump showed that many of his policies could be popular and successful, and I expect the next GOP president will keep pushing most of them. We’re not going back to Bush-style moderates anytime soon, and that’s fine with me as long as Trump stays on the sidelines and the next presidential candidates don’t lie about the election in an anti-democratic attempt to hold onto or gain power.

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Better never means better for everyone.

Maybe the GOP’s time has come. The proletariat has gone America First.

One good thing, Jbiden has already taken care of “But Obama…”

The way he did the Tea Party guys was bad.


Where were they before?

Not like that. Is Jbiden?

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They’re all the same. No diversity.

I don’t think so.

Trump’s policies best represent my views of what our nation should do. I’ll be sticking with Trump too. MAGA!

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When you fully realize that major policies, good or bad for Americans, will come to fruition regardless of party it makes stuff like this nothing more than theatre. Trump gets a kick out of playing the heel, no different than professional “wrestlers” such as Rowdy Roddy Piper back in the day. Some of the ■■■■ he used to say would get people all wound up as well. In the end, politicians taking shots at each other is much ado about nothing.

This thread discusses the way Trump carries himself. Specifically the remarks he made. When asked if they support they way he carries himself and the remarks he made, at least one supporter decided not to support or denounce Trump but instead deflected to Biden policy. If people want to go back and forth about policy there are plenty if threads. This isn’t one of them.

That’s why I’m “stumped.” Why are people deflecting to policy rather than discussing what this thread is about.

My complaint is to anyone who knowingly voted for a “senile old man” that with any discernment, could have predicted the disastrous results.

Trump aligns with the common man? Common man!.. :grin:

Other than speaking like one, he doesn’t remotely align himself with one.

My summary of this thread:

Trump: Meghan McCain is a bully and lowlife. I never liked her dead father. He was a RINO, I’ll assume he wasn’t very smart by where he may have graduated in his naval academy class and I’ll allege he hurt my political chances.

Question: Do Trump supporters condone what Trump has said.

Trump supporters (some, not all): I’m not going to answer. You need to defend Biden instead.

The takeaway is that some Trump supporters have gotten to the point where they can’t contradict the words of their leader. Even when he is disparaging dead servicemen and calling one of their daughters a lowlife, they’d rather pivot to Biden than disagree with his actions. Trump continues to prove many Republicans have completely abandoned character when it comes to their party. Trump, Jordan, Gaetz and Greene are cheered because of their crass behavior. It doesn’t matter what they say, only that it’s loud and irritates “libs.”

I think there’s something to this.

I think there are a lot of people with a lot of built up resentment.

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The only thing I would disagree with here is that Trump is “playing”. I think he actually is a heel.

What’s sad, is that in your blinding partisanship, you can’t see that we all, as a country, are losing to a “senile old man”.