Trump: Inner workings of the Mueller investigation are a total mess

Now, now - there’s no reason to sugar coat things and go easy on how awful of a person Trump is…:rofl:

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The desperation is not only palpable in Trump, but seemingly in his cult as well. Interesting.


He’s getting into Denald territory now.

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I feel the need to hold back my real feelings on just how horrible this man is. So I go soft here, as I know there are still plenty blinded by what the see as greatness. And I cannot go hurting the snowflake’s fee fee’s. :wink:

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This entire post is delusional.


Has anyone told Trump that Mueller wasn’t hired to investigate Hillary, Comey, et. al.?? They would need to change his charter for that to happen…

Geez what an idiot

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The same way he knows about CA forest management.

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The worst president ever seems to be feeling the hot breath of fate down his neck. He is losing it.

Why you keep this charade going is amusing… They are getting their trial… They had a hearing a couple of weeks ago… Unfamiliar with federal courts and how long cases typically take?

What’s sad is that the GOP finally got to hire a “businessman” as president, but they got a con man instead.


He’s on fire!

You mean Mueller is not stalling the Russian trial? That Cohen actually revealed something related to Putin? LMAO!

The desperation is quite entertaining to witness. Especially since this is not in relation to F&F during Executive Time. This is eating at his brain right now. He deserves every last bit of this torment.

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Maybe the trial has been rain delayed… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This is what you see when a man who has failed upward his entire life is held accountable for the first time ever.


At this point, it looks like he’s just randomly throwing darts.

It looks like he forgot the kitchen sink…


Donald seems scared.

They got W in 2000 as well (thanks to the SCOTUS).

His presidency was a complete success!


Unfunded wars, huge deficits, and that financial meltdown.

Other than that, great!

Maybe business men are not so good at running government.
