Trump Indicted on Documents Case!

Taking them is what your old pervert in the white house should be charged with.
You can stop with but trump. We know what trump is charged with. Most have read the indictment.
If trump is charged than you pervert should be charged with removing documents, he had no right to remove.
You are already giving the old pervert a pass. And we know that the old pervert will not be charged. Proving there is a two-tier justice system. If you’re a democrat, we ignore the law. If you’re a GOP member throw the book at them.


I don’t think that’s an accurate statement.

So was the book thrown at trump? Or was he not charged for the documents he took be returned before the lawful execution of the search warrant at MAL. It can’t be both…

Go to any thread and read all the but trump tds that you leftist spew. If you want to write the rules start your own forum. Now either discuss things or find a thread more to your liking.

You are flat out wrong. Trump is at a rally in New Jersey tonight.
Bet that picture is giving you tingles up your leg.

i am not sure we are having the same conversation. this is the Trump indicted thread…i have been discussing the trump indictment and subsequent arrest 0-o

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did…i ever say he was not? i might have even posted in the official live stream thread about that very thing…

what am i wrong on? was he not earlier in the day in a florida courthouse pleading not guilty to federal felonious crime and being appointed a Parole officer?

Read it. So, what’s your problem except running to the defense of your leftist bubby spreading fake news like a good little leftist. It is funny that so many on the left can’t defend themselves without a gang.

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We can tell you haven’t and are just parroting what the leftist news have told you.


Of course.


How about when is your old pervert going to be charged with taking documents, he had no right to take?
We know what trump was charged with. Now when are we going to see the charges for Pence and jbiden who had no right to have the documents?

Afraid we can talk about what we want. Now when is jbiden and pence going to be charged we already know what trump is being charged with?

Yes you did.

Going personal with a helping of persecution.
So on brand.


Well now we know you either didn’t read the indictment or you want a 2 tiered justice system.


there is a nice thread for that that the lovely margaret created. here you go

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again, nice thread here. but those are the question you should ask the special counsel assigned.

I did? are you sure? would you be willing to quote me exactly where i said so? thanks a bunch.

The desire to separate the Biden case from the Trump case in a political discussion fails. The chief political point is not just whether Trump is subject to being convicted but whether similar standards are being applied to Trump and his political opponent. You know, the one who is running the justice department that is out to get Trump.
The legal case may be separable but the political case is not. And this is a political forum.


you would have a case exept that Pence…is not jailed, not even indicted. and if the justice system was out to get Trump why did they let him have access to his 757, let him be able to leave florida, not get a mugshot like his co-conspirator, why allow him to turn himself in instead of breaking down the gate at MAL and rip tackle him while he was running toward the buffet line?