Trump in astonishing 1993 Congressional testimony: 'They don't look Indian to me'

Would you look at that! Three strawmen at once!
Image result for strawman family

I mean, perhaps there is money to be made with him.

Trump has been a bigot for decades. Those who pulled the lever for him have absolutely no problem with that. No need to let that sink it. It’s simply who Trump supporters are.

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All the bigotry happened before he was president, so it doesn’t count.

Must be making a good point because we had a nonsense post just before this one. :slight_smile:

Your girl, cozying up with her mentor, KKK Grand Dragon and Civil Rights Act filabusterer.

Wonder if it was before or after she called people of color super-predators who need to be brought to heel.

No matter, we all know that both were well known before people cast their vote for her.

What if Trump had thought they did look Indian? I guess I don’t understand the problem.

BTW- There is no such thing as “the Native American subcommittee”.
There is a Senate Committee on Indian Affairs.

maybe instead of their

she meant that elizabeth warren is right there

an indian princess

really though

its so easy to mix up

there their theyre and thar

even the forum spellcheck says that some of those are wrong

oh it turns out thar is not a word

i dont use it

but i was sure i had seen it

i made a mistake

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Tell that to Dr. Seuss. I’ve been reading The Sneetches 2-3 times a week. The Star-Bellied Sneetches had bellies with stars, but the Plain-Bellied Sneetches had none upon thars.

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i like you

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Your post illustrates perfectly what a trump supporter is.

How the OPs heroine kissing on a KKK Exalted Cyclops isn’t relevant to a thread where he’s trying to cast shades of racism on others is a mystery.



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In a Monday tweet, Trump doubled down on his Sunday insistence that the Navy SEAL who commanded the bin Laden raid should’ve tracked the former al Qaeda leader down “a lot sooner.” After all, Trump said Monday he “pointed [bin Laden] out in my book just BEFORE the attack on the World Trade Center.”

It’s true, Trump did give bin Laden a brief mention in “The America We Deserve,” published in 2000. In fact, he suggested bin Laden was just “a shadowy figure with no fixed address” and not America’s "public enemy No. 1.