Trump: "I know a lot about wind" (3-28-2019)

Trump said that obama wasn’t born in the United States.

I wonder if all trump supporters were birthers too.

Trump always tells the truth well until he changes his mind.


You are way out in left field here; pun intended.

You continue to miss the point. WHO CARES! Trump is pulling your chain. I don’t care what he says when pulling the Trump hater’s chain. I am too busy laughing at their predictable knee jerk reaction.

I know he is spouting nonsense just to get a rise out of Trump haters. In that regard he is playing them like a well tuned fiddle.

I wasn’t a birther. I simply didn’t care one way or the other and I still don’t.

If only that were true. :roll_eyes:

Hearing someone say something like “I support the Great Lakes, always have. They’re beautiful. They’re big, very deep, record deepness” and then thinking “well, that’s a ■■■■■■■ idiotic thing to say” isn’t “tripping all over themselves” or “frothing” or “talking points” or “derangement”. It’s just being a reasonable adult who hopes the leader of the free world isn’t so ■■■■■■■ stupid that he ends up getting us all killed.

He’s a moron and the people making excuses for it do so because they get tingly when he gets xenophobic and vengeful.


What exactly am I denying?? :confused:

But trump was and the majority of republicans were.


Spoken like a true Trump hater! :+1:

So what? Has nothing to do with me and I couldn’t care less.

Good point, forum software. This is a total ■■■■■■■ waste of time.


Sorry peek, I don’t care about you. I specifically stated the generic trump supporters and the generic republican. Polls clearly showed the majority were birthers.

Doesn’t matter that you have common sense. It’s about the majority of trump supporters.


Your utter inability to see Donald as anything but semi-divine.

If he says something stupid, he’s clearly trolling libs.

If he lies, it’s clearly meant to divert the lib mob media’s attention away from his brilliant work behind the scenes.

If he plays footsie with dictators and says he believes them more than US intelligence, then he must be lulling them into a false sense of security before he springs his masterplan and catches them flatfooted.

When he fails to deliver on a wall paid for by Mexico, or prosecute Hillary, or repeal Obamacare and replace it with his brilliant plan, it must be because lib politicians are thwarting him with evil intent.

When polls show poor approval ratings, it’s clearly a lib lie.

5th Avenue Syndrome denialism.


The majority were birthers and the tea party rose and disappeared basically at the same time the birthers did. They were the same people.

And before that they all bragged about being fiscal conservatives. With Christian and family values.

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I think reality is the easy answer here.

Let me ask you this. You say Trump was just pulling our leg, that he actually knows “a lot about wind”. That he just says these things to trigger liberals and the MSM. So, at his rally in Michigan, when he stated “I support the Great Lakes. Always have.” Was that a lie, or just meant to “trigger” liberals and the MSM? Because at every point his administration has attempted to gut the restoration program with each budget proposal.

“Since entering the White House, all the yearly budgets that Trump has presented to Congress suggested cuts to the program, but Congress has overruled Trump by giving the program $300 million each year. Over the past two years, Trump proposed a 90 percent cut to the program. During his first year in office, Trump called for eliminating the program.”

So, was that a bald-face lie, or just him pulling the liberals leg? IMO, it proves just how unbelievably foolish and naive his supporters are. He’s flat out lying here, yet his base cheers him on because they are apparently either 1) ignorant or 2) far too lazy to check his record on the issue. Either way, his base does’t seem to care that he’s flat out lying to them about a program they seemingly support. It’s bananas…


Can you explain this for me? Was Trump just messing with us when he said that he’d get the full 300 million in Great Lakes protection money even though his proposal is actually to cut it by 90 percent? Just trolling us, or does he just not actually know whats in his proposed budget. Im going with the latter because time after time hes shown he is incredibly uninformed about how many things actually work.

Tell that to the Michigan residents he just poured nonsense to. He promised them $300M for their Great Lakes project. His budge calls for a 90% reduction in funds for the project. Was he yanking their chain too?

You don’t seem to realize when he’s spewing the same bull to his own supporters.
I just don’t get how anyone defends him at this point.

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Reminds me of a song:

5th Avenue Syndrome is a terrible affliction.



Oh Snap!

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You can always tell when Trumpists can’t adequately defend their Master. They immediately invoke the “that was a joke and it it was hysterical and libzzzzz just don’t get it”. Those are the ones who you know are in the deepest.

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