Nope. Blaming someone else for your poor choices is unattractive. If a black person uses a racial insult that does not mean it would be okay for you to call them the “N” word. Same with fat shaming. Either fat shaming is right or it is wrong. There is no justification.
I believe Woodward and others that have said that Trump has opinions that are rock solid and go back many years. I am sure that no matter now many lawyers tell him that Sessions was correct to recuse himself, Trump will never accept that. I am pretty sure that after the mid-terms we are going to see a a whole bunch of fairly high ranking people ousted from the WH. I will bet dollars to dog nuts that Trump’s list of bad children is overflowing now.
I am not okay with name calling. But you already knew that. At no time have I ever said that I approve of that. I also don’t approve of good conservatives being labeled as racists, bigots, deplorables, or dregs of the Earth as Biden, Hillary and others have. I do not approve. It’s childish when Trump and others do it,and childish when you do it. With over 50 percent of the population struggling with weight issues, there simply is no excuse for fat shaming.
I can think of no intelligent, strategic or political reason Trump would talk about Sessions in such a way. Unless by doing so he feels it helps invalidate the Russia albatross.
God I hope so. Sessions is a potted plant. I expect him to be canned before the end of the year. The sooner, the better. Hire someone who actually can do the job.
I’ve stopped expecting partisans, on either side, to be fair, balanced and equal. Especially in today’s culture of certainty. Certainty I am seeing, more and more, as a human weakness. Age does that.
He’s a fat narcissist, surely you can appreciate the irony. Plus he loves calling women fat, like that Miss Universe winner that he forced to do public workouts to prove he was supervising her weight loss.