Trump: I captured ISIS


Obama created Iraq.

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You know as well as anybody it doesn’t matter what happens there anymore. It will always have been the right decision, no matter what.

You know as well as everybody that Trump could broker Mideast Peace and Dems would be screaming it was impeachable and imperialistic.

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No, I don’t know that, because Trump has never done anything remoteley like that, in any arena, on any stage.

Also, that sounds good but I think Jared Kushner is on that. You know, the thirty-something property guy who married Trump’s daughter. He’s doing the Middle East Peace thing.


What if scenarios are fun. Also that’s Jared’s pretend job.

Poe died unceremoniously in a Baltimore alley. Why do we have to keep digging him up?


Wiped out ISIS? What? With a cloth?


You know all we have to do is look to North Korea for that answer. Liberals wanted trump to succeed there but we all knew what would happen.

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Bet he hasn’t. He is lazy and uneducated. He has no yearning to learn. So your post has no real point.
Your defending a person who just doesn’t feel like doing good in the world.


Yeah, glad to know his heel spurs miraculously cured themselves so that he could single handedly capture ISIS!

What a man!

A MAGA Man :ru:

That one should have slammed the door on this thread.

I forgot Obama used to like to be hip by calling the retrograde gang of Muhamets mercenaries…ISIL.


Ok - if Trump has been off capturing ISIS, who the hell is the guy that has been appearing in the Oval Office, in the press, and on Twitter? Does he have a twin?

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Don’t forget about curing cancer and giving everyone a million dollars.


He ain’t doing those either.

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You know “ISIS” is the dumbed down version right? Because “Levant” is something that would just confuse Trump. I refer to it as ISIL. Pentagon used to until Trump made them change it.

Trump captured ISIS?

Must have hurt like hell with those bone spurs of his.

He’s able to use his amazing brain to subdue any pain.

Russian paratroopers would be dropping into school playgrounds and Cuban soldiers would be invading Gulf Shores and Florida.

Ha. Red Dawn.

[quote=“DOLOOP, post:16, topic:215683, full:true”]

Anybody notice that this was the first Cabinet meeting since July?

What the hell does this guy do for a day job?

Well, looks like the AM is wide open for TV.