Trump: I can pardon myself if I want to

Clinton pardoned his brother; Carter was lucky- Billy beer wasn’t a crime, but close

Not necessarily.

What crime was Nixon convicted of when he received his pardon?

No. You and yours are creating this discussion in the first place.

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No, the conviction remains,t he penalties are revoked.

Since when is Old Guy representative of anything republican much less conservative?

Moonshine brought up trump pardoning himself? Truly?

It wasn’t an admission of guilt for Johnson- Johnson didn’t accept it. He was dead.
When a pardon is accepted, it is an admission of guilt.

Amazing isn’t it? They start a speculative straw man thread and immediately act like it came from President Trump. :roll_eyes:

The presidents lawyer brought it up, didn’t he?

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Yeah, Trump and his cronies have been such helpful participants in this investigation and aren’t constantly either threatening to shut it down or bragging about how they could at a moment’s notice. Law and order!

No evidence here of such. I doubt very much that being in play.

Straw man? Multiple reports indicate the President himself has been asking if he has such power.

One unnamed person said Trump had asked about pardoning himself.
“Multiple reports”? Really?

Multiple left wing sources with an anonymous source? Well that seals it! :roll_eyes:

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I know he can’t, but GOD I want him to try.

So much fun.

Are unnamed sources a new phenomenon as of January 2017? Why do cons always bring that up? That’s investigative journalism!

there is no question he can pardon a relative
but pardoning himself is placing himself above the law.

In a nation based on the rule of law I dont see how the Founders would have intended for 1 man to have the ability to place himself above the reach of justice.

Well then what is the point of a pardon when a sentence has already been served? I seem to be missing something here.

I understand commuting sentences for people who are already in jail. They simply serve less time.

But once a person has satisfied the penalty, I don’t see the point of a pardon, unless the person is still on parole.

Who is president?

What law is he placing himself above? There is no higher law than the US Constitution which explicitly places that power in his/her hands.