Trump Has Now Shifted $1.3 Million Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

Remember the time fat donald said this:
“I’m using my own money. I’m not using the lobbyists. I’m not using donors. I don’t care. I’m really rich.”
Well, he was lying as usual.

Donald Trump has charged his own reelection campaign $1.3 million for rent, food, lodging and other expenses since taking office, according to a Forbes analysis of the latest campaign filings. And although outsiders have contributed more than $50 million to the campaign, the billionaire president hasn’t handed over any of his own cash. The net effect: $1.3 million of donor money has turned into $1.3 million of Trump money.

There’s a reason Trump is always trying to avoid/postpone paying people and uses charities/government/his campaign to make money. He needs the money. He’s no billionaire.


I would suppose that about half of that is actually legitimate, as he did provide goods and services. That it was his own businesses gives it a mighty sketchy feel, but what’s to be done about it? It is illegal? I’m not sure we’ve had a situation like this before. Trump is a crook, I have little doubt about that, but I can’t get particularly worked up over this aspect of his dealings.

There needs to be stricter oversight for sure though, I’ll say that without reservation.

This is why it’s never a good idea to mix business funds with campaign funds. Even if everything is handled legally, things can get really bad from a perspective of optics really quick.

We have a Campaign Finance Committee to oversee campaign funds, the same committee that fined Obama’s campaign $300K for their 3 $MILLION$ violation.

Get over it, he WON… :us: MAGA :us:

Just because he won doesn’t mean he gets a free pass on the law. If he did break laws, he will face the consequences at one point or another.

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He’s a really good con man.

You got him NOW

No ■■■■■ his winning is the basis of the article.

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If he didn’t charge his campaign for using his business you would be bitching about illegal campaign donations. Oh wait that is what you guys did do, you bitched about it until it was shown his campaign did pay.

Federal Election Commission?

I’ll take “dumber than a box of rocks” for $500, Alex.


Fake news… Trump is the most honest person alive

Trump is a joke. And so are people who blindy support politicians.

Or he could have rented offices in buildings he didn’t own to, you know, avoid conflict of interest.

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Hmmm…Trump spent $66,000,000 on his campaign to be elected in order to have $1,300,000 shifted to his businesses.
They’re right, he’s not much of a businessman.

Didn’t I basically read this same thread a few months ago?

One of the earlier lies. That he was going to self-fund. That’s so long ago it’s probably not even a lie anymore.

Darn that lying reuters.

I know. He spent some of his own money. After he said he would self fund. He didn’t. That’s okay. That one I knew was a lie as soon as he said it (even though it wasn’t a lie yet). Just like I knew Mexico wouldn’t pay for the wall, he wouldn’t show us his tax returns, and he wasn’t going to build a great big beautiful wall across the southern border.

ETA: He may have spent all of his own money. The “Fortune” version of the story you posted said that during his campaign he liquidated his entire stock portfolio they valued in the $40M range.

Any other president would have been dragged out by his balls and hung.

Why are these criminal activities being ignored?