Trump Has Now Shifted $1.3 Million Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business



Even a President Hillary? :wink:

Just a reminder, she’s not the president.

Who were you talking about when you said, “any other president”?

It had to be someone who isn’t President now.

(I hate having to explain jokes. They lose their spontaneity.)

He’s got you so fooled.

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"Since then, his campaign filed additional documentation showing that it spent another $180,000 at Trump-owned properties in the final three months of 2018. "

How does this change what he said and did in 2016? If he goes about the second term differently than the first, that makes him a liar for the first…is that what this thread is about?

So looks bad but not illegal, got it.

That literally had nothing at all to do with the OP. Defend, deflect, deter, and destroy. Well done. :+1:

I see we are back to flagging things

He’s a grifter, plain and simple.