Trump fixer Cohen says he helped Falwell handle racy photos

Meet a cabana boy one day, fund his $3 million real estate deal the next. Happens all the time.


Plus ten had he spelled it métier.


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I had forgotten about this. Doesn’t pass the smell test.

The source said Cohen flew to Florida and soon met with an attorney for the person with the photographs. Cohen spoke with the attorney, telling the lawyer that his client was committing a crime, and that law enforcement authorities would be called if the demands didn’t stop, the source said.

That’s exactly what Cohen should have done. What’s wrong with it?

Cohen is a serial perjurer, rat and now locked away in a Federal pen.
He’ll be telling all kind of stories to the boys in the cellblock lest he get his arse beat or worse on a daily basis.

Fake smiles hurt.

Not in minimum security. He may lose a tennis match or two though.


Did you think this article is about how Cohen handled a blackmail attempt on Falwell ?

No. Nobody has every gotten 10 points.

Might want to look into the type of facility he’s in.


This is about Falwell’s hypocrisy, but more importantly, it explains his weird fealty to Trump.

The article describes how Cohen handled the blackmail attempt on Falwell.

TDS can make it mean whatever you need it to mean.

That’s exactly what I was thinking.

I know, it’s “Club Fed”.

but the big stories are:

  1. Falwell needed Cohen-(the guy you all call a lying dirtbag) to handle this. Now, if the accusations were baseless, he would have used his own, Christian lawyer.

  2. It explains all the ass-kissing of Trump. Trump has those photos.


“I actually have one of the photos,” (Cohen) said, without going into specifics. “It’s terrible.”


Even the usual trump boot lickers can’t spin this one.

Cohen thinks it’s awful, and he has seen it all.