Trump. El Paso does not want you there!


Now is the time to set destructive partisanship aside, so destructive, and find the courage to answer hatred with unity, devotion, and love.


Unity! healing! Love! Selflessness!


Heiling. Lucky the US has the least racist person in the world (in history) as president.

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Maybe he can toss out some medic kits to the crowds there ala paper towels tossed out in Puerto Rico?

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He was elected by more than the fifty who have whined.

No. She was an adopted child. She was African American. She never had good teachers so she never would have made it to college. I say would have because she was killed in a hate crime when she was 12.

None of the above is true but it should make you think before you assume.

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Exactly how did you work out the maths to support that post? What percentage of those eligible vote did Trump get in the 2016 election? I will give you a hint: it was considerably under 50%.

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If that isn’t the quintessential pot calling the kettle . . .

Let’s not forget Donald Trump said his father was born in Germany.

I really wish he’d visit Baltimore instead of just talking about Baltimore. You know, our ■■■■■■■■ city. He could help so much. He could probably solve the crime problem in a matter of days.


Yes, he does draw a crowd. So does a train wreck.

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How many golf courses does Baltimore have?

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Then when he is done comforting the shooting survivors and families in El Paso he can jet off to Toledo, to do the same for those victims of that other mass shooting from last weekend, in Ohio.

Know who else could fill a stadium?

The city? Maybe 3 or 4. Nothing to write home about. There’s a nine hole in a not so great neighborhood near the old Montgomery Wards that he could play. It’s a ■■■■■■■■ course but it would give him something to talk about.

Yeah, I didn’t want to go there and suffer the faux outrage. This is actually scary imo too.


Maybe he can visit in the hospital, a male mexican National shooting victim and call him a rapist. That will soothe the wounds.



He did such a great job with the victims of the Bowling Green mass shooting. Those people are completely healed. It’s as if it never happened.



Tried? Nope they have succeeded. They have the Ohio governor in full retreat mode.


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And he fills stadiums unlike the sick Democrats who can’t even fill a class room.:joy: Trump will be reelected 2020 thanks to Obama distroying the Democratic Party with all his scandals.
Are you ready for all the trials to begin?

None that Obese Donald could go to in his never ending march to GRIFT as much wealth from taxpayers coffers as he can by vacationing at his own vermin filled golf club properties.