Trump doing better than Reagan and Obama


538 does comparison polls and the only President he has beaten on day 506 is jerry Ford, hell even carter and Truman rated higher approval.


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But that doesn’t change trumps approval rating one bit.

Just affects the elections, not how popular trump is.


Polls are fake!!

Rassmussen only polls landlines. Hmmmmm I wonder who people who still have landlines would more likely to support?

At this time in both Obama’s and Reagan’s presidency, the economy was either in severe recession or just coming out of one.

What does it tell you that Trump is essentially tied with them for popularity with a GOOD economy?


Knock off 1.5 points for republicans, according to 538, not that severe, check out SurveyMonkey skews +4.9 for dems.

Survey Monkey sucks.

I already know that.


D minus.

They are not credible at all.


What’s a landline? Do people still have them?


Exactly. Plus it skews RCP toward the sociopath.

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41.6 @538

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agree 1000%

but if it’s showing up on a list of polls and I leave it off when I transfer them poll name and survey results then I’m altering the facts. It’s like on the old board when I posted a story from world nut daily. I got all kinds of crap because . . . . well it was world nut daily. After everyone had their fun, I posted other more reliable sources on the basic facts and made a few people eat their hats. That’s why with the op of this, I went to a source that had other polls to show the original questionable source was within the margin of error of many polls.

Another thread I went to another site that has a longer history and posted 6 months worth of NBC news polls that showed The Don’s approval rating going up every month. I got whacked about on that one too.

Reagan got in while the economy was still in downward spiral due to extremely high interest rates and stagflation.

Obama got in when the economy had already tanked.

The two recessions were actually very different from one another. So it’s hard to compare the two.

Once again I will point out…Trump’s approval rating with a GOOD economy matches the approval ratings of two Presidents at times when the economy was in the tank…and this is good news for Trump…why?

The high interest rates were to fight the inflation, and a lot of that happened under Volcker WHILE Reagan was President.

The recession of 81-82 happened in large part due to this monetary tightening.

it was all fake news anyways