Real simple message here: At the end of the amazing interview (Sunday Morning Futures | Fox News) Trumpus MAGA said simply, " I love the American people." And if you saw him saying that and were watching closely you could tell he was genuine.
As for us Trumplovers out here in the hinterlands… As good conservatives we must also be armchair sociologists and psychologists when dealing the the damaged left.
Reading the liberal progressive anarchist commenters on here I see that they are awash in honest to gosh propaganda frobige Their fingers peck stuff into the comments that is simply not real. Some make it up and some are prolly honest dupes. I haven’t been around long enough to get them all sorted yet. Do you find this to be the case in your own experience here?
But back to Trump and his genuine love for the American people. A question… Did you ever hear Obama mouth those words or even anything similar? Have you heard Chuck 'n Nancy say that? Or any of the other crop of current dem hatemongers? (This is a rhetorical question.) Evil never says I love you.
Love triumphs. Genuine caring patriotic Christian love. That’s why the dem haters are in a heap of poodoo rat now. Sucks to be them with their scabby wounds that never heal.
Lucy, you are a sweetheart. A Downvote Rump Ranger but a sweetheart. I’m starting to look for your snark attached to my posts. Kinda took a shine to yuz.
One of my measures of success of how right I am is the reax level by the bizarro mirror world left. When my Downvote Rump Ranger Posse doesn’t awaken from their slumber to attack I feel like I haven’t quite hit the mark. Looks like they are a hive of busyness with this award winning post. I congratulate my humble self.
Welcome all pustulent sorosdems. Refreshments served at 2.
A man who can’t muster enough love for a beautiful new wife and a beautiful new baby boy to stay home with them instead of range roving for high traffic porn ■■■■■ isn’t going to have any love for you or I.
Anytime I see a comment with the little square boxes in it I disregard immediately as bullflatulence. My comment is for general broadcast. Not aimed at the commenter.
Oh so you have evidence he is not a ■■■■■ grabby corny gross cartoon character of a rich nyc ■■■■■■■■■ who bragged that avoiding std’s while cheating on the mothers of his children was his own personal Vietnam? Did he not start a cheesy fake 1-900 real estate “university” which lost several federal class action lawsuits a few years ago?