Trump does Maria Bartiromo on 'Sunday Morning Futures.'

I believe Obama was genuine. Yes, I believe Trump is genuine when he says he loves the American people.

The guy provably lies constantly for no reason.

No you donā€™t. Who are you kidding.


Editor of what?

Heā€™s yanking you chain and laughing at everyone. He knows Trump is an habitual liar.

Editor of what?

This has to be parody. Nobody can be this far up Trumpā€™s ass.

I donā€™t know, itā€™s just something they give you.


I donā€™t know, itā€™s just something they give you.

Ah. Well thanks for that tid.

I mean, when Justin Timberlake says he loves all his fans, I donā€™t really believe he actually loves us. I do know he loves what we do for his career and lifestyle, but Iā€™m not gullible and all tingly when he says it.

Iā€™m a little dismayed that I havenā€™t had more comments from conservatives if there be any about. Regardless the reax from the left is quite telling.

When I mention the word loveā€¦ all their hate comes out.

Trump certainly doesnā€™t love all the thousands of Americans heā€™s screwed and swindled all his life.

Even conservatives know Trump BS when they here it. :wink:

its spinach isnt it?

Trump loves america in the exact same way a wife beater loves his wife

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Thereā€™s this guy in North Korea that says the same thing about his people, as wellā€¦

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Never met that veggie. Sounds like we prolly would have gotten along. Also sounds like Mx. veggie did the rat thing and shook the dust. That means he is prolly smarter than MrOT.