Trump discusses firing Fed chairman after latest rate increase

You said:

You realize you’re posts are in the thread?

Cue “the market isnt the economy”

Raising interest rates is clearly an attempt to undermine the Trump presidency. We need low interest rates to support the economy. It’s really great, so it should not change, otherwise it will not work. If Trump leaves, we don’t care about inflation. Now Americans want a good economy, and nobody cares what will happen tomorrow. When this is their confusion, children can figure out what to do.

I agree. Trumps weak economy only supported by cheap money


So what do those posts say – “other than” interest rates trigger drops in the market?

What else do you think they say? When you see something else, it’s your own strawman, which is why I alleged you were making things up.

Why cant you just explain yourself. After all you said this:

Sounds like trumps economy is too weak.

Does the market correlate with the economy or not? Why you dodging? I think you realized your interest rate argument was actually a knock on trumps economy and now you must spin the argument and play games about “what you didnt say”

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Some people say that the economy is weak, but some people say that it is strong. Probably the strongest ever. You said that the cheap money seems to be very bad. We need cheap money so that we can spend money. If we need to agree on a better agreement, we can do it at any time. When you tell them that they will not get anything, people will agree to anything. The United States does not need to pay its debts because the world needs the United States to have peace. I want to see another country trying cheat us because our army is the best.

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We have gotten to the point where we are arguing about the argument.

I didn’t get us here.

Whenever asked direct questions I answer with what my opinion is instead of whatever the heck is happening here.

I hope that you have a nice rest of your day and enjoy the Holidays.

If there ever is the impetus to actually have a conversation in good faith then I will be willing to do so.

I thought Trumplicans voted for and support Donald because they want to burn everything down, so why do they care that raising interests rates may trash the market and the economy?

Exactly. The entire “corporations are taxed too high” argument was beyond hollow. It had zero merit.

But here we are. The rich got an even larger slice of the pie while the rest of us will likely have to weather another recession in the next year or so.

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Corporations cant do without those tax cuts. It was the governments fault. Personal responsibility only applies to poor people.

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It’s funny because I really started paying attention to politics in Bush’s second term and I remember seeing firsthand just how hypocritical the GOP and conservatives were when during the recession people were calling for tighter regulations on Wall Street, corporations, big banks, etc.

And these cons would scream how that was a terrible idea and that it was only the actions of a few bad apples and we can’t punish them all.

Yet these are the same people who scream that we have to do away with welfare and food stamps because there was a report of someone abusing the system.

They live to punish the poor and reward the rich.

An old meme of Fox News is just so accurate: “Fox News is rich people telling middle class people to blame poor people for all the problems in the world”


Anyone have any idea why this clown would issue a statement on a Saturday night?

Sounds true.

I predict that now that the Estate Tax has become an issue that is getting push back the idea that dividends are subject to “double taxation” will come more to the forefront.

Other than being logically wrong it makes sense that this narrative would get pushed when one realizes that 85% of the stock is owned by the top 10%

So it will be framed in such a way that the middle class is getting screwed but is really about the rich not paying taxes.

Because he isn’t so stupid that he realizes that if this line is crossed it means really bad things?

I think it’s because these stupid people seem to think that one day, they too will be as weathly as corporate titans and the elite, when the reality is they never will be and are just fools.

Does anyone think as to what would have happened if Carter fired Volcker?

That was double digit interest rates that he had to deal with and arguably it handed the Presidency over to Reagan and he got to be the one who enjoyed the praise of inflation getting under control.

Trump can’t handle 2.5% rates without screaming like a baby. And people are actually backing him on this.

It is seriously bonkers.

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Posted article in the OP says…

“…according to two people…”

Hahahahahahahahahahaha. That’s what some call a peer review, I guess.

It sure is a great thing that our economy is strong enough to withstand these rate increases. They are very necessary. President Trump should be proud of this because it allows for a cushion from future financial disasters reoccurring and the Fed not having a tool in the box to help us. It also rewards those that have managed to save.

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