Trump denies hurricane killed 3k in puerto rico

Well, it’s just plain false that I support everything he says and does.

the people that elected Trump are in no way an aberration.

Exactly what I meant. Republicans and conservative who supports em own this entire fiasco.

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If it makes you feel better to blame me, knock yourself out, you see, I don’t give a ■■■■ what you think of me, never have, never will.

To this I say: Womp Womp.

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During past presidents they had an argument occasionally, now all they have is false equivalency. They used to be bad but not insane. You can’t so much as say it’s bad to swallow a drum full of grease without hearing about how fried chicken is greasy too.

Trump caused Rush and Fox and Republican Media a ton of Trump Republicans to show us who they truly are. They’ve been that way for 30-80 years (in many cases).

I actually thank Trump for that.

Who should we blame? The people who have constantly pointed out this man’s unfitness for office since the day he announced his candidacy or those who saw the exact same behavior we saw and looked for any reason in the world to excuse it as long as it meant a Democrat wasn’t elected?

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Not only a coward but a lying coward

Trump never said indifference, he just doesn’t believe that they died because of hurricane

This pisses me off to no end.

I’d like to know why that is


Lindsey has it spot on! How could Trump be indifferent to all of the not-dying going on on Mexico Islande. If anything, Trump was completely different about it the thousands of people laying around not dying of nothing. Or something!

Sorry submitted before ready

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I could have sworn I just told you, blame me all you like, I don’t care. Feel better?

Do you believe you deserve blame? That you made a mistake when you decided that Donald Trump was the best choice to lead America going forward?

all the blame goes to the Trump voters.

but, and i’m promising you this, most don’t care.

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incoming comment about state/electoral system.

all the blame goes to the Trump voters.



Were you aware that Hurricane Maria with a minimum pressure of 908 mbar was the 10th most intense Atlantic hurricane of all time while the 1928 Okeechobee hurricane didn’t make the list. Also Maria traversed across more of the island than the 1928 hurricane did

Berating people for their vote is not helpful. Many people thought he would change if he was elected. Hell, I thought he would change, would act better.

interestingly, many will find Jesus again in 2 to 6 years.