Trump Declassifies all FISA Information, Releases all Texts, and Ohr Interviews with FBI

I explained this at one time. You should have saved my post.

Someone smarter than Fox News told him they don’t say what Fox News told him they said. Can’t stop laughing at this goober!

:joy: what a clown for a president…sad

It is ahead of time. They have not yet been released.

If I want to know what the laws are I go to the statutes and regulations, not what the gangs may or may not be doing.

Yeah, he’s dumb. We’ve known that for decades.

Fat donald: “I have authorized the release of many documents to show that this Russia investigation is all a hoax!”

Staff: “Sir, all of these documents make you look guilty as hell.”

Fat donald: “I am working with the Justice Department to ensure that no documents threatening national security will be released.


No. Ahead of time would be knowing what’s in them before threatening to release them. Now he looks stupid – again.


Fat Donald is a complete and utter ■■■■■■■ moron. :joy: :joy: :joy:

Lol, you win the internet, today.

Three whole emoticons. It must be true. Even better than typing in capital letters.

Well, at least he is your moron, and not mine. :joy: :joy: :joy:

So…about all this.

Those drips have evaporated into nothing with Trump doing an about face on the matter, don’t you think?


Yet a president demanding personal loyalty from law enforcement you’re ok with.

yet, it’s bizarre and totally un-American.

First things first. Let’s deal with what occurred first and then we’ll deal with the next problem…if there is one?

He didn’t even read the things he ordered declassified.

Insert RW talkers and Fox news cheering wildly and with no sense of hypocrisy after each of those declarations by fat Don.

Since trump backed down from his promise, you think maybe those documents don’t prove what he, and you hope they prove?

No…I think that Trump is adhering to his advisors to allow a limited time to again redact against national security but to remove all of the redactions that were actually to cover their butts.