Trump Declassifies all FISA Information, Releases all Texts, and Ohr Interviews with FBI


I’d be shocked if anything will be released. It’ll go the way most Trump declarations do - in the rubbish pile never to be heard about again.

But keep hope alive!!

Yeah…Trump didn’t address moving the embassy, NK, taxes, illegal immigration…nothing…I’m so mad.:sunglasses:

Embassy? Only rabid righties give a ■■■■ about it.

North Korea? Still a nuclear power led by a despot that murders his own people. Now that tyrant has been ligitimized by Fat Donald.

Taxes? Most Americans got ■■■■■■ over by the GOP tax scam and the GOP internal poll shows most people realize that.

I could go on, but you get the point.

Fat Donald is a massive failure.

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That’s why Twitter is perfect for him. He can’t read.

You should tell that to the families of the veterans returned by NK so that they get your point.

They still have nuclear weapons and ICBMs.

Fat Donald legitimized Kim.

Fat Donald ■■■■■■ up again.

What does that even mean? You have a deeper personal respect for him now? Why do you just gurgle and blab dumb lib talking points that mean NOTHING?

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Keyser addressed the others. Illegal immigration is way up. Ouch.

That’s a minimum thing any country not run by evil would do. They still have more they are not returning.

Don’t worry…ICE is on it and more judges are being appointed. The tide is turning so that should please you?

It means he was flailing there alone trying to be important. Now he has pictures of himself and President of the United States on equal footing and our flags side by side AND our dumb president saluting his military and this is a guy who pushes actual propaganda onto his people.

AND he’s smart enough to know Fat Donald is dumb and easily manipulated by cheap praise and is laughing his ass off at how easy it was.

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No one gives a crap about that embassy, by the way, how much did it cost us taxpayers to move it?
Where the hell is the border wall that Mexico was supposed to pay for? Where is it?
NK still has a ■■■■ ton of Nukes aimed at the US.
Those $800 bucks you’re getting from fat donald’s tax cuts, couldn’t even buy you a new IPhone that’s made in Ghyna.
By the way, Apple will be excluded from fat donald’s trade war with Ghyna.

A hell of a lot more since no president before Don had the balls to actually follow a law passed by congress.

If congress would get off their asses and do something and if the Dem’s didn’t LOVE illegals so much it would be started.

This would have been different under Hillary how?

good to know that $800 is peanuts to you. To me that’s a LOT of money. I don’t buy I phones. I don’t buy a lot of expensive things. My cell phone was a $99 special. My car is paid for and 10+ years old. Same with my motorcycle. ATV is paid for an almost 20 years old.

My utilities have gone down (one puts a seperate line item in to show how much they are reducing the bill due to the tax cuts.) When my insurance for my cars renewed, they put a note in that the rate was going down due to tax cuts.

No thanks to Trump

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First…I’ve gotta make a dollar before I pay or get back anything…so there is that.

Second…dude…you sound like you’re yelling at the sky. The TDS is flaring up. Remember…it’s 5 o’clock somewhere?


We’re waiting!