Trump contradicts his own budget proposal, tells rally crowd he'll give more money for Great Lakes restoration

You still pushing this utterly fallacious account of the birther controversy?


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What’s even funnier, is that it’s not the deepest in the world, or even the US.

We’re watching even more rewriting of history in real time.

It’s masterful.

maybe Trump can move some wall money to the Great Lakes thing (since he’s cutting their budget by 90%).

You gain some really bizarre perspectives sometimes…

How did you draw the conclusions that anyone on the left is attacking the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative?

Why should they? The full report hasn’t been released and there remain on-going investigations. Plus, it’s the media’s job to report on investigations of this nature, particularly when it involves the POTUS. What is there to correct? Can you provide any links of actual news organizations claiming he was definitively guilty of collusion? No, Im not talking about the talk-show variety that make their money off of all sorts of speculation, but rather legitimate news organizations.

This is what I don’t get. There seems to be a complete lack of concern among the right regarding what we HAVE discovered through the course of this entire investigation. Whether the findings rise to the level of collusion or any other applicable crime is irrelevant to what Im saying here… we have empirical facts demonstrating that Trump and members of his campaign orchestrated closely with Russia to ensure Clinton was not elected. And the ■■■■■■ up thing is that the right seems more concerned with extracting revenge on their perceived enemies (e.g. Democrats) rather than our real legitimate enemy (e.g. Russia). It’s crazy… rather than taking appropriate responses to Russias interference, the right is hell bent on sticking it to the Dems! Yeah, great game plan…:roll_eyes:

You call this all “whackadoodle”, or whatever, but again, he’s lied to the public about all of this repeatedly since the very beginning. You act like Barr’s four page summary absolves him of all wrong-doing (even though it literally says it does not exonerate him of a crime), as though the things we discovered that he flat out lied about now just never even happened. Barr’s summary doesnt change the facts, nor the findings uncovered during Mueller’s investigation. That his base continues to lend support to him and place trust in him after finding out the undeniable truth of some of these issues is simply absurd to me.

I have to much integrity to place my faith and support in a man that repeatedly, knowingly lied to my face, especially when he supposed to be representing this country.


deranged libs see birhters every corner. unreal!


Trump’s the kind of guy that would sell lake front property… then drain the lake enough to sell the new lake front property that just became available. Drain a little and repeat…

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Correct what? There was an investigation into russian collusion. Many people reported on it. There isn’t anything wrong with reporting on an investigation into the President and his campaign.
Do you have anything specific that you think should be corrected?

The CEC version is if you talk about collusion you’re either wishing for it, or accusing the administration.

Just like if it’s reported that Trump made an false statement and it’s pointed out as false, that’s on the media for airing a negative story.


He always exagerates in his speech. I don’t think he’s employing hyperbole though. I think it’s just limited vocabulary and diminished mental acuity. He just keeps talking thinking he sounds intelligent somehow. In a way it’s sad.

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