Trump: Conservative thinkers Paul Watson and James Woods banned from twitter and facebook

So the conservative position is that the creators and owners of private enterprises should have no say over who enters and uses privately held domains.

I’ll set up an “Impeach Trump” table at Mar a Lago this week and tell em all you said it was all right.

I think Trump should also boycott Twitter in support of his friends, a principled thing to do. You?


“Right” to speak.

Trump wears the dead body of “conservatism” around his neck like a trophy.

:rofl: The Unicorn Party

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But if you refuse to bake a gay-themed cake for someone, you will be sued for enforcing the behaviour rules for your service. Facebook is not free. They require you to hand over your privacy and data and sell those for profit.

You should keep up with the Court decisions on the cake thing.

Facebook is also completely voluntary.

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That[s completely different! Libs are trying to destroy Trump and therefore America with their lies, meanwhile private lib companies suppress conservative truths! One is a deliberate and obvious subversion of the 1A, the other is promoting hate and deception in the name of socialism, feminism, and liberalism!

This is no different than posters here being banned or given a time out.

Straight white Christian conservative males have been horribly persecuted in America since 2008.

What happened? I like pie.

How is it different than being given a time out or being banned or having a post removed on this board?

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So you believe the 1st Amendment is judged by how you feel about what people are saying. Sorry BW, nothing in American history or tradition supports your view, but feel free to make up your own version of the Constitution if that makes you feel better.

In public spaces, speech can be curbed if it promotes lawlessness or presents a danger to the public (the well known 'You cannot shout ‘Fire" in a crowded theater’" argument).

Calm down, Facebook and Twitter are not socialist or liberal institutions and by no means are the feminist (that’s a laugh). They are publicly traded corporations and your efforts to promote regulating them shows how little you believe in free enterprise while you claim to worry about socialism.

He’s joshing you. What do you crazy kids call it now? “Poeing”?

Typical lib logic! Justifying the oppression of patriotic free speech behind your fancy lib education words! Donald knows the way to combat that - he speaks like a Common American! He’s just like us and fights for freedom, Christmas, and innocent babies. Go Donald! :us:

I am. Maybe you should keep up. Colorado Targets Christian Baker Again Despite His Wedding Cake Victory

Colorado is in the wrong.

You need keep up…

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If you can’t ban people from social media then this place is going to become a lot more interesting.


Yet another kick of the can by the SCOTUS.