Trump conservative critics launch PAC to fight reelection

Like most people in real life, Kasich is conservative in some ways and not so much in others. The Cato Institute gave him a “B” in 2018 for fiscal policy, while conservative superstar and election loser Scott Walker got a “D.”


Playing king priest with your party is a bad idea.

He won on tea party. How did he govern?

Majority of congress is not conservative. True enough.

You are for it.

With strong fiscal conservatism, according to Cato.

I don’t see it. I see increase in government.

why all this concern over Kasich anyway? He isn’t on this super PAC. his former adviser is. So again, why all the concern?

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Like Trump’s a conservative. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Not at all. How is he governing?

Wrong thread. You should address the subject of this thread.

Kasich is definately no conservative.

Populist style.

You mean hes not a Trump Conservative.

All (elected) politicians grow government because it grows their power. But according to Cato, Kasich grew it less than conservative hero Scott Walker, among others, who my state is thankfully rid of.

Is he? How so?

How about quit trying to put your words in my mouth?

I meant exactly what i said.

I know what thread we are in captain…

Who are you to say who is and who isnt a conservative?

You are for a bigger government just your version. You are just as much liberal big government as a liberal.

Liberals aren’t for big government, libs are.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I needed a good laugh. Thanks.

Cinos telling other people what’s what. .