Trump Claims China Hacked Hillary’s Emails

Trump says China hacked Clinton. Wray says they didn’t. Contradicting Trump is a fireable offense and he needs to either repeat what Donald tells him to say or get out of the way for someone who will.

Good point, fat donald needs to fire Wray for providing a factual contradiction.

Wait a minute didn’t the FBI reveal that they never actually looked at the DNC or Hillary’s servers and they farmed out the investigation to a private company called Crowdstrike so really how can they refute this? They don’t know because they didn’t bother to investigate themselves.

You can place a Vegas bet with really good odds that the Chinese have all of Hillary’s emails including the 30 thousand missing emails. So a country like China (and whatever country they share it with) could very well have USA information that the USA doesn’t even have!

And this is all okay with the Hillary redneck liberal elites while they warn us of the danger of Trump and Republicans.

He said no such thing.

The FBI did. Who runs the FBI? Wray. Media statements go through him.

Wait, if no one looked at Clinton’s servers, then where does this report even come from?

Here is the exact quote:

“The FBI has not found any evidence the servers were compromised,”

Accurate statement that in no way states that China didn’t hack Hillary’s server.

If you read the article, you will find that it was the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) that discovered the evidence. The article then goes on to detail how FBI principles were notified by the ICIG back in 2015.


The FBI is being very coy in the wording of their official statement.

It isnt a fire able offense! The CIA, FBI, and other agencies dont share the same data, and tend to horde it! Maybe Wray truly does not know, or is going off the intel he currently has. But he does have a track record of lying. He said the FBI had no bias, and strzok was fired for Bias . It is what it is.

Read the Daily Caller article.

So you’re saying the ICIG had the servers but not the FBI?

No one looked at Clintons Server, all of her staffers were given Immunity, she was never put under oath ! Could you imagine if Mueller gave the treatment the FBI gave the Clintons?

Christopher Asher Wray
December 17, 1966(age 51)
New York City, New York, U.S.

What a coincidence!

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Accurate? Supposedly the ICIG found evidence and gave it to the FBI. If that were true, then the statement cannot be accurate.

The FBI is clearly saying that the ICIG report is false.

Christopher Wray needs to be fired immediately. He is covering for the Chicoms and the Democrats. He is a compromised Deep State traitor.

So the report finding that the server was hacked was fake?

There is no such things as coincidences my friend! Good point there!

Pretty straightforward. Fat donald should take your advice.

Watching Trump-hater responses is comical but very predictable.

I argued this possibility back in 2015. I’m more than convinced that Trump has known about this for some time, as I have to believe he was fully briefed. Obviously given the highly sensitive nature of this information he had to keep it to himself. The Daily Caller article put this highly sensitive information into the public domain, allowing Trump to weigh in with information that he knows to be accurate.

IMHO of course.

It’s totally fireable. Calling your superior officer a liar is insubordination. Trump can’t keep him on staff anymore. He has to go.

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The FBI is denying it to try and embarrass Trump. All the evidence is that there was widespread hacking of our most sacred secrets because HRC was above the law.