Trump Claims China Hacked Hillary’s Emails

We have as of yet no confirmation.

We have a story that purports some things that should be relatively easy to check out.

If they do check out…I’ll be on record now…clean out the whole lot of incompetents who knew about it and said otherwise.

If they don’t check out, will I hear a similar story from you?

Or will I instead hear tales of the Deep State covering up to protect itself?

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The sociopath in White House has access to all the information, but uses Fox News as source who repeated an even less reliable tabloid source.

Yet, Connie lap it up without question.

We truly live in strange times.

And surprising no one, the FBI (headed by Trump appointee Wray) says “Yeah No”

The FBI said that China, is our biggest threat and has hacked us a numerous amount of times! The FBI has a basis to make this claim. It is also coming out that anything Trump/Russia related can be traced to Stefan Halper or Simpson of Fusion. Why is the FBI and DNC Paid fusion, trying to get Trumps team to meet with Russian contacts that they have?

The Same Wray who said that the FBI had no bias in the Trump Investigation? That Wray? Strzok was just fired for bias!

Is Trump Appointee Wray part of the DEEEEEEEEPPPP STAAAAAAAAAAAAATE or is he just so utterly incompetent that he can’t keep the FBI from releasing official statements?

No, Stryzok was fired because Trump demanded a head. The FBIs own guidance recommended demotion. Someone up the chain fired him instead. Probably because President Twittler was screaming about it every morning for a month.

Wray’s soul job is to do Damage control for the FBI! I guarantee is is saying one thing and doing another. You tell me? Is he telling the truth? Was Strzok fired for Political Bias? Matt Gaetz and Darrell ISSA are claiming that Ohr during testimony said the trump bias pre-dates the Carter Page Scandal! Ohr is also the guy who ratted out Peter Strzok and Lisa Page to the IG! Ohr is the chirper who is bringing this whole thing down.

I ran this post through a BS removal filter, and got the following:


Good talk.


Trump appointed Wray to do damage control? That doesn’t compute.

It’s ■■■■■■■ mind boggling that fat donald’s own intelligence agencies have to refute his false information every damn time.

It sure does! He was hired to be head of the FBI, which also means cleaning up its various messes that were left for him! Notice, how is steering clear of the Brennan and Clapper conversation!

Trust the plan!!
Trust the plan!
Trust the plan!

He’s not cleaning anything up? He’s covering it up! Trump hired Wray to cover up Clinton’s email server? Trump is either in on it or not in control of his own qpppintments.

WAPO has an article stating he was fired for Anti Trump Bias!

Ohr is the one who ratted out mccabe , Strzok and Page!

Why would he cover up the email scandal? Comey already exonerated Hillary before Trump even taking office, making that impossible.

Wray is now covering up the Chinese hack of the Clinton emails. Trump didn’t instruct him to do that, did he?

I trust the Plan! Mueller is indicting people for process crimes, and ignoring that Fusion and Stefan Halper were the ones introducing Trump and his team to Russians with FBI and DNC resources. The DNC colluded with Russians to accuse Trump of Collusion!

Sara Carter Has an article on it too!

PS! ISSA is claiming that Ohr said in testimony that Trump Bias was predating Popadopalous and Page! OOOPS! Kind of validates what we already know about people like Peter Strzok.

China has hacked multiple things! The FBI has stated it! Wray himself said China is America’s biggest threat, not Russia. Why arent we interrogating Feinstein right now? She had a Chinese mole in her campaign for 20yrs.