Trump Claims China Hacked Hillary’s Emails

Can’t wait until they find the traitorous leakers who put this sensitive information into the public domain. They need to be fire and jailed.

I have questions! For one Strzok was in charge of it! 2 , The FBI never even looked at the DNC server being hacked and let the DNC outsource the investigation to Crowdstrike, who claimed that Russia hacked. Crowdstrike could find that Russia Hacked, but not that Imran Awan the Head IT guy was extorting the DNC from within? Both the DNC server and HIllary investigation are bogus! Writing Exoneration letters before an interrogation? Can you imagine if Mueller did that for Trump.

I still think Awan was the guy who leaked it! Thats why the DNC told the FBI they want to do an internal investigation! Funny that anyone Russia that has ties to Trump, can be tied to Fusion or Stefan Halper.

So there was evidence that a state-owned Chinese company based in the US hacked the Clinton server…and that company is still operating? A state-owned company hacked a US government official’s server and there have been no repercussions?

This doesn’t pass even the most basic of smell tests without even getting in to the ridiculousness that the “metadata” of the emails was altered even though it was claimed that the Chinese were able to place code on the server to forward emails. Why the hell would the actual emails themselves be altered if code on the server was able to proxy the emails to another destination?


And we are done. You obviously have no interest in disucssing the story, so I will no longer waste my time with you.

You can’t possibly know that

The FBI isn’t denying anything. Look closer at the FBI statement. It is a generic statement that basically says nothing.

People keep forgetting that the CIA, NSA, and FBI all have their own intel, and tend to hoard it! Maybe Wray truly does not know! But he has said that China continues to try to influence our elections and continues to try to hack in order to steal technology from us.

Crowd strike is run by a former FBI deep state player. They saw the servers and saw that they weren’t hacked at all. Clinton was selling information to Russia. Awan was the go between because he was funneling the money through Iran.

Apparently Hillary’s server was wholly lacking in security. The NYT wrote a story 2 year ago citing experts that it “probably” was hacked

Sure it can.

Lighten up Francis. You’re the one who has no interest in discussing the topic so might as well have some fun.

They’re calling the report false with their statement.

The FBI says we have no evidence of a thing they the report that says they have.


Either way, the whole investigation is bogus! I want the following! Like Lindsay Graham!

  1. I want Mueller to continue what he is doing
  2. I want a 2nd special counsel to investigate the DOJ and FBI , and how they handled the Server
  3. I want Political parties to stop determining who and what gets investigated, let the evidence decide who and what gets investigated.

I actually enjoy watching the frothing at the mouth by Trump haters. :popcorn:

I think that is possible.

You might have a plausible point if this didn’t happen all the time. But it does.

Trump gets most of his “briefings” from Fox News and fringe websites because they say the things he wants to hear.

Oh, so super secret repercussions have been made against a Chinese state-owned US-based company?

Bruce Ohr just testified and sources like ISSA are claiming that the FBI was biased against trump before popadopalous and Strzok! Would you trust the agencies you knew were trying overthrow your presidency?