Trump claim he dug though rumble at ground zero

Could we just start calling them the MOS (mob of stupid)?

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I swear that S. E. Cupp lady who has a show on Fox News was genuinely a poster here like seven, eight years ago.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^377947866641485824&

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no one is going to call him out on that, so it pretty much a true.

i would go Republican for her.


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Oh yeah “crazy like a fox” winning, winning, winning :ok_hand: over laughing fools and deranged liberals. :+1::wink:

Melania’s look is priceless. It’s like I married that ■■■■■ What was wrong with me. I mean look at that!

Look at yourself defending a 72 year old man behaving in a way that would get a child grounded indefinitely and then ask yourself if you are proud of where people like you have brought the conservative movement.


Of course they’re proud. Their one and only goal with Trump is to piss off liberals.

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The only answer you’d get is YES!

It almost looks as if he is excited in this tweet, lol

Nope…allow me. I am the final arbiter of what is and is not cool. An example to prove my ability to discern coolness.


Not cool…

Obviously…Trump is cool! :+1:

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You so believe trump rush out of his apartment to ground zero to help?

Imagine if it was Obama behaving as Trump in the OP…lol

As someone elsewhere said…this is why trump is not invited to funerals.

Three things we don’t have right now…
Unity, Leadership, and Courage. The first lady writing a very classy post.

Maybe she should write his Tweets!


Making fun of people over a picture and spreading it around is pretty low. This also includes the “Moochelle” stuff, and the “Michelle just might be a man” conspiracy theory. It’s all disgusting.

I don’t think the country is ever going to recover from the damage that Obama and Trump have caused…this includes the divisiveness. Liberals are getting more and more hateful, as is some Conservatives. This is why I don’t talk politics very often. Because someone has to resort to the behavior of a 5-year-old.

And no, don’t try to justify it by saying, “oh well Trump did it.” Well, you’re not in control of him, are you? You are in control of yourself. Act like it. I’m the youngest person here and even I can spot this issue.

Probably a scab.

You get union scale?