Trump cancels Eagles visit over Anthem controversy

playing to the base.

we all get it.

The NFL is bad for allowing the eagles to protest during the playoffs and the superbowl.

wait that didnt happen.



Yes, I find that ā€œstatementā€ to be just really weird and creepy. It looks like heā€™s really starting to lose it. I just donā€™t know what to make of it, or why it doesnā€™t creep everyone out, I just donā€™t get it. Heā€™s so weird.


Nor do I Lucy. But what I do know is that he is doing significant damage to our nation. He is helping to destroy what it means to be decent and what we expect in our leaders. The precedents that he is setting are horrible and may take generations, plural, to overcome. I genuinely fear for the future my grandchildren will be forced to endure and I pray every single day for them.


Itā€™s already accepted fact among the low information Trump base that he only canceled the event to defend the national anthem, despite the fact that not a single member of the Eagles took a knee at all last year.

Imagine being so reviled that less than 20% of a championship winning team is interested in being honored by you at a White House ceremony.

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when the Caps beat Vegas they will visit the White House ā€¦ most of their team is full Russians


He is, but in reality he is just the inevitable outcome of decades of conservative media peddling in blatant lies and crafting an alternate version of reality for itā€™s fans to live in. When tens of millions of people are constantly fed the notion that their hate is love, their ignorance is revelation, and their hypocrisy is normalā€¦it can only cause harm over the long term. And here we are now. This isnā€™t going to suddenly get better when he leaves. That only happens when purveyors of the Breitbarts and Tucker Carlsons and Rush Limbaughs of the world realize they have been lied to and actually care to do something about it.


I fully agree. But the left isnā€™t innocent in that regard either.

Thatā€™s why I donā€™t claim the left or the right anymore.

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Jade Helm.



The ignorance is high with your average Trump voter.


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And on cue, Fox News is now discussing this issue using images of Eagles players kneeling in prayer before a game, no doubt trying to insinuate they were actually involved in a protest.


So now heā€™s mad?!?!?!
Heā€™s the one who started this false narrative that the players were disrespecting the anthem and the flag. Unfortunately many of his supporters and a lot of you on this very board fell for his false patriotism. Out here following a man who disrespected the military and this country by being a draft dodger.


Key point.

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again i love the false patriotism for someone who has never served

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then it seems to me you can speak out against the left at the time they do such things. if both sides are to blame for everything, nobody is to blame for anything.

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His stupid had should have said ā€œiā€™m gonna crap on everything that makes America Greatā€

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And now Fox News is spreading blatant lies about the protests, using pictures of Philly players kneeling in prayer - nowhere near the anthem.

The state of Trumpworld is lies and deceit to protect the pettiest of mankind.


sad thing about itā€¦ 90% of Fox viewers will believe this

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Thatā€™s why Trumpā€™s narratives work: he has a cable news station spreading his propaganda daily.


^^ This


Wow. That report is some seriously shameful ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  I mean straight up deception, lie, and propaganda. Anyone actually watching knows that Fox is the official Ministry of Propaganda but this is just so blatant and so scummy. They are a perfect vehicle for the Trump presidency.


Agreedā€¦Trump supporters who call themselves conservatives should not tolerate Trumps behavior on this issueā€¦which is why they are no conservative nor libitarian!