Trump calls Republicans who don't support him "stupid people"

Something I’ve touched on before - Trump doesn’t have the Hillary hate to play off of in 2020. Biden is nowhere close to being the same level of polarizing as Clinton. He has to go by the strength of his own merits this time around, and whatever unclever nicknames he can think up for Biden.

The 5% of remaining Republicans that do not give him favorable rating are “stupid”? He expects 100% support from the Party of Trump?

Sounds an awful lot like Lenin’s Democratic Centralism. Without the “Democratic” part.

yeah… boy… you got him THIS time.


We’ll see. My point still stands. Running against Clinton was a major asset for Donald in 2016. He doesn’t have that advantage this time.

will you be trotting out the 38 expert economists to predict a stock market crash again? That should work too.

I don’t think that Trump really realized how razor thin his EC victory was. I think he believed that Clinton’s popular vote numbers were caused by illegals voting. After his first year in office it was obvious that he was not working at expanding his base. Instead he sent out dog whistles. By some accounts his base has lost between 5% - 7% in strength. And so far the polls have him underwater in many districts that he easily won.
If the polls don’t start turning around soon I think that we will start seeing a whole-sale cleaning of his campaign staff. Film at eleven.

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I’m happy for you that you’re so confident in Trump’s current position. Have a great day. :slightly_smiling_face:

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The bigliest razor thin EC landslide in the history of ever.

They’re not potential voters, though. :man_shrugging:

How would you know?

Yes, startling. But not as startling as a first glance leads one to believe. The scale of these two maps is very different.
The bottom bar of one is 42 and the other is 34, thus making the differences in the upper map appear much greater.

TDS is practically incurable.

Yeah… it’s not Trump, it’s everybody else. Keep running with that. :rofl: :joy:

Spoiler alert. The ones who like him will vote for him. The never Trumpers will not. No reason to be curious. That’s they way it will play out.

…until the prez is reelected in November? :sunglasses:

To be fair i strongly believe that we now have two Republican brands we have the traditional Republican brand i.e. Conservative and believers in free market capitalism and you have Trump “republicans” i.e. small r republicans that seems to have strayed from the path of traditional Conservative values and away from Free Market Capitalism

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Truth. This is correct.

It’s a cult born out of the birther and fascist types

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Must not be very many of the traditionals left since Trump is at 85% approval with Republicans. And don’t try saying they left the party because the percentage of the country that identify as Republican is unchanged since the day he took office.

No, no there are not. Conservative Republicans are very much a minority and a dying breed, as Trumpism and his version of authoritarian populism has replaced the traditional values of the party.