Trump calls Republicans who don't support him "stupid people"

Can’t seem to recall when conservatives were the majority of the party, when did that happen? Look at the following chart

From U.S. Still Leans Conservative, but Liberals Keep Recent Gains

Virtually unchanged since 1992.

I’d argue that pre-9/11 they had a much larger share of the party apparatus. Then a great many of them turned to neoconservatism in their hawking of war. And that has then morphed into authoritarian populism. With a small stay-over among some who claimed the mantle of Tea Party conservatism. But we see that was nothing more than a sham for a seat at power by basically all of the TP aligned, save Justin Amash.

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What Trump era policies are authoritarian? Letting me keep more of what I earn?

I don’t believe you don’t already know this.

Hence the sarcastic reply here.

Nope, I don’t, which ones? If you want to see what authoritarian looks like go take a look at the new green deal.

No wisdom at all with that strategy.

“Top Republicans have said for five years that Trump’s base will ultimately cost the party power. The nation is growing too diverse and too progressive.

Recent polls suggest strongly this is unfolding in real time.”

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If, and its a big IF, if Trump loses in November i thunk you will see, as if by magi, the reemergence of the traditional GoP and there will be a purge of the Trump “republicans” I maybe wrong but this is the way i see it.

I am both a capitalist and practice it on a daily basis and do so in a profitable manner. I am also very conservative and give freely to others, more than I do myself. The Lord is my Shepherd and I do not want.

That said, I agree with you that I’m not a traditional Republican. I have despised the corruption I’ve witnessed on both sides of the aisle for decades. Neither side has protected our southern borders. Both sides created NAFTA as “we” all have observed our industrial and manufacturing base leave our country. We’ve observed the negative trade imbalance with China. We’ve observed many countries rape our planet’s environment to produce goods that are being purchased at Walmart while the virtue signalers cry about man made global warming that is the net result. I’ve had enough of all of this and am doing my part to fight back.

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Can’t win with em, can’t win without em.

Purge? No, I don’t think they’ll be turning away any votes.

I just think they will purge trump era GoP officials not voters the voters will go with the reemerging brand

One of his very first Executive policies was to ignore the Emoluments Clause. Next, he has worked to completely usurp the separation of powers of the Legislative Branch. With his blanket refusals to honor a single subpoena from them. His policy of purging Inspectors General who could oversee his actions in the Executive Branch has worked to move him ever closer to full authority.

His abuse of the DOJ to punish enemies and protect his friends is a page right out of every single authoritarian playbook. And let us not forget the policy his administration employed at his direction to use Congressionally appropriated funds to try and blackmail Ukraine into investigating his General Election opponent, and announce such an investigation so he could use this as a means to secure his own re-election.

There is more obviously. Trump directed the Pentagon to withdraw from a $10BB contract with Bezos, as punishment for the coverage he has received from the Washington Post. Also, redirecting Congressionally appropriated funds from other areas to the southern border to attempt to fulfill a campaign promise of building new barriers.

Trump is arguably one of the most authoritarian Presidents the nation has seen in modern times.


See a bunch of unfounded allegations there, that’s about it.

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I can see that happening. The return of family values as well.

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I believe you believe that. No authoritarianism to see here folks.

No doubt about it.

Get back in the DeLorean Marty. This isn’t 1985.
You guys crack me up! :laughing:

Well it’s a lot less potential voters then Hillary’s “basket of deplorable’s” and Biden’s “you ain’t black” insulting comments. And IMO never Trump Republicans are stupid so I agree with the President. :woman_shrugging:t2:

So Family Values are no longer part of the Republican party…Got it thanks

But you concede they are Republicans? So IF Mr. Trump doesn’t get elected and the GoP reverts to traditional Republican values you wont vote for them again?