Trump Calls Opponents "Human Scum"

He’s about as bad at intimidation as you’d expect him to be. And since he just called me human scum, I feel I’m not out of line in calling him sub-human garbage. A rash on the ass on the American people.


What we are not hearing about is the death of Reagan’s 11th Commandment: Never criticize a fellow Republican. In today’s mosh pit, Reagan would have been a RINO.

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And none of those results go back to Obama years…where silence was deafening.

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Because what he wants is a Putin system with a Saddam method of getting rid of people who dont go with his flow.

Thankfully we dont allow that here…even though some think its ok

Define scum. It’s accurate. It’s only a few people, not half the country.

But these people are literally incapable of hurting him in any way. If there were 20 Never Trumper Republicans in the Senate, then I’d understand why he’s so frightened.

Because he has no control over the house. Its driving him mad. He cant gain control of the narrative. His numbers are tanking. People are flipping. Wait till putin cuts the cord.

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Poor guy can’t seem to enjoy a single moment of his presidency

You’re losing it. A Saddam system!!! Did Saddam ask people to vote the white ants out?


Am I going to start using emotes now? I seriously hope not going forward.

This was not addressed at me.

But, just for the record.

Gun control = I support RKBA but am affable to well considered measures that do not infringe the core RKBA, as long as they are accompanied by other necessary measures unrelated to RKBA.

Immigration = I OPPOSE the wall. Stupid, unnecessary, ineffective. I support massive increases in border control agent end strength, to be paid for by decreases in military end strength. I support a permanent tripling of immigration courts and judges and a temporary increase beyond that until the current backlog is eliminated. I support aggressive removal of illegals, as long as due process is observed. I OPPOSE indefinite detention, but that issue would be mooted by the increases in immigration courts and judges.

Abortion = I support abortion on demand up to viability, beyond viability (23 weeks by current standards) I support abortion only for the life or health of the mother and to a certain point in cases of rape and incest.

Foreign aid = I support phasing out all forms of foreign aid, with the exception of critical humanitarian aid. This includes a 100% phasing out of all foreign military sales.

Spending bills = I support trimming anything that can prudently be trimmed.

Military = I support an overall reduction in spending on all services and a reduction in end strength. No new aircraft carriers until they completely figure out the USS Gerald R. Ford debacle and a permanent reduction in super carriers, which I believe to be increasingly obsolete in the modern era.

New Green Deal = Light it with a match and throw it in the circular file.

Health Care = There are innovative proposals from both the libertarian right and the old right that should be considered and pursued.

Trump and his shenanigans have made any serious consideration of much of the above impossible.


Nobody has to define scum. :roll_eyes:


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This is an interesting take on the “what trump reaaalllyy meant” line

So here we are folks. The president of the United States has made a tweet referring to people who disagree with him as “human scum”. Human scum. Then he pinned that tweet. It stays right there at the top.

Okay , all of the non human scum Republicans out there! Limply shrug and look away.

Congrats and be proud.


And to think of the absolute hissy fit these people threw when Hillary called them deplorable. Amazing they turn the blind eye when the shoe is on the other, orange foot.


You know it’s bad when he hasn’t golfed for two straight Sundays.

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Who knew presidentin’ was so unrewarding?

That would imply he was at all capable of any sort of introspection. Or any human thought or emotion. To be an expert on anything would indicate he gave a single, solitary ■■■■ about anything other than himself.

What an interesting insult.

Pond life Donald calling other people “scum”

Trump is undoubtedly a consummate statesman.

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Nope because you are willing to accept more spending, more gun control, more government spending and the death of more innocents because of hate for one man.
A true conservative takes what they can get when they can get it. You would rather give the left everything for what a feeling of I’m so morally superior?
You would have rather had a left leaning SC than tolerate a crass loud mouth.
You would rather have amnesty and an open border than tolerate a crass loud mouth.
You would rather have killing of innocent life up until the moment of birth than tolerate a crass loud mouth.
You would rather have guns confiscation than tolerate a crass loud mouth.
You would rather be taxed at over 50% to pay for all the free stuff the left wants than tolerate a crass loud mouth.
You would rather have the same out of control spending than tolerate a crass load mouth.
You would rather have our military cut to pay for all the free stuff than tolerate a crass load mouth.
I could go on. What are your high moral principles going to get you? That’s right every thing you say you don’t want.
I look at things in a different way. I will take every little thing I can get from who ever I have to.
There has never been a GOP president that I agreed with all he said and did. I strayed from the path once and voted for the most fiscal conservative on the ballot and what did I get for my vote? That’s right I more or less gave a vote to Clinton. I don’t have to like the man or woman for them to get my vote. But I do have to like the ideas they are pushing.
When the left gets everything on their dream list I can look in the mirror and say I did everything possible to stop them. What are you going to say to yourself.?
Believe me I am not sitting in the corner silent. I cautioned people before Obama was elected to think about what they were doing before they used their anger over the bailout out on their congressman. That some times you have to use what you have in front of you and make the changes you want next election. What happened the left got their super majority and we got the ACA.
I spent days hours and months fighting the ACA. I traveled to DC numerous times. Thinking that there was a chance that we could make the red state dem senators stay in line. We failed. And now we are stuck in the mess we are.
I’m unwilling to give up my principles to get revenge because I didn’t like my fellow voters pick. Because revenge and being morally superior gets me nothing…