Trump Calls Opponents "Human Scum"


This proves the devolution of the party in the name of Trump.

With ya.

Just in the last couple of days on this board I’ve been called a traitor and a lemming by Trump supporters because I took the red pill instead of the blue pill.

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Trump Man Good.

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… … … … … we are deplorables. LOL

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Is there ANYTHING more ironic than Trump calling anyone else “human scum”?


Welcome the world of being a dirty, hippie liberal. I’ve been called one by damn near every Cult-45 member on this board now. It does not matter that I’m more conservative on my fiscal policy beliefs, immigration stances, trade perspective, small government adherence, Constitution driven-mind than most all of them. Because I did not bend the knee and kiss the ring, then my political beliefs and ideology are irrelevant. This is what Trump has done. Allowed the worms to eat their brains.

Loyalty to the king

Indeed. All hail the #SecondComing

The Great Uniter, amirite or amirite?

Dare we call him the Messiah?

Dare we call him the Messiah?

The Anointed One.

I heard the name was already taken, but then again, perhaps that was only mere projection? :thinking:

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Like a guy that beds a porn star while his wife is home with a newborn baby?? :us::elephant:

as soon as they realize that drump is going down they will abandon him…
they figure their supporters are to stupid to realize that by then it wont matter

I believe the correct term is “God-Emperor”

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Yup. The Daily Caller is reporting that it checking with all 53 Republican Senators this week and only seven (7!) affirmed that they absolutely were going to vote to acquit Trump. That does not mean that there are forty-six votes to commit but it isn’t news to bolster Trump supporter’s confidence.

You know, fat donald never ONCE called the mass murderers from El Paso, Dayton, Parkland or Las Vegas “Human Scum” but reserved that for “Never Trumpers”


His actions are certainly making everything much, much harder for them to go to the mat for him. Yes, he will have the Cult-45 defenders in the Senate as well. But Mitch will be closely reading the tea-leaves, and if he senses a potential loss of the Senate, watch how quick he cuts Trump loose.


Trump defense undercuts Senate Republicans in Maine (Collins); North Carolina (Tillis); Arizona (McSally); and Colorado (Gardiner). Four losses gives the Democrats 51… R’s hope that they can beat Jones in Alabama, which is likely unless the Republican primary voters nominate Judge Moore again, which certainly is within the realm of possibility.

McConnell has got to be concerned.